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Precalculus Essentials

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1 Precalculus Essentials
Fifth Edition Chapter 3 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions If this PowerPoint presentation contains mathematical equations, you may need to check that your computer has the following installed: 1) MathType Plugin 2) Math Player (free versions available) 3) NVDA Reader (free versions available) Copyright © 2018, 2014, 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

2 3.2 Logarithmic Functions

3 Objectives Change from logarithmic to exponential form.
Change from exponential to logarithmic form. Evaluate logarithms. Use basic logarithmic properties. Graph logarithmic functions. Find the domain of a logarithmic function. Use common logarithms. Use natural logarithms.

4 Definition of the Logarithmic Function
For x > 0 and b > 0, b ≠ 1,

5 Example: Changing from Logarithmic to Exponential Form
Write each equation in its equivalent exponential form:

6 Example: Changing from Exponential to Logarithmic Form
Write each equation in its equivalent logarithmic form:

7 Example 1: Evaluating Logarithms

8 Example 2: Evaluating Logarithms

9 Example 3: Evaluating Logarithms

10 Basic Logarithmic Properties Involving One

11 Example: Using Properties of Logarithms

12 Inverse Properties of Logarithms
For b > 0 and b ≠ 1,

13 Example: Using Inverse Properties of Logarithms

14 Example: Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (1 of 3)

15 Example: Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (2 of 3)

16 Example: Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (3 of 3)

17 Characteristics of Logarithmic Functions of the Form f(x) = logb x

18 The Domain of a Logarithmic Function

19 Example: Finding the Domain of a Logarithmic Function

20 Example: Illustration of the Domain of a Logarithmic Function
Solution: We found that the domain of f is (5, ∞). This is illustrated by the graph of f.

21 Common Logarithms The logarithmic function with base 10 is called the common logarithmic function.

22 Example 1: Application The percentage of adult height attained by a boy who is x years old can be modeled by f(x) = log(x + 1), where x represents the boy’s age (from 5 to 15) and f(x) represents the percentage of his adult height. Approximately what percentage of his adult height has a boy attained at age ten? A ten-year old boy has attained approximately 80% of his adult height.

23 Properties of Common Logarithms

24 Natural Logarithms The logarithmic function with base e is called the natural logarithmic function.

25 Properties of Natural Logarithms

26 Example 2: Application When the outside air temperature is anywhere from 72° to 96° Fahrenheit, the temperature in an enclosed vehicle climbs by 43° in the first hour. The function f(x) = 13.4 ln x − 11.6 models the temperature increase, f(x), in degrees Fahrenheit, after x minutes. Use the function to find the temperature increase, to the nearest degree, after 30 minutes. The temperature will increase by approximately 34° after 30 minutes.

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