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II. Subatomic Particles

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1 II. Subatomic Particles

2 Recall – History of the Atom
Democritus Developed idea of atoms Called smallest bit of matter “atomos” meaning indivisible John Dalton Believed matter consisted of lumpy particles (atoms) “Billiard Ball Model” – did not know structure; thought atoms were hard spheres.

3 Recall – History of the Atom Cont.
J. J. Thompson Discovered the electron Knew electrons had negative charge Based off of experimentation with cathode ray tube Developed “plum pudding model” Believed negative electrons existed in a positive “pudding” Think chocolate chips in a chocolate chip cookie


5 Recall – History of the Atom Cont.
Ernest Rutherford Discovered the nucleus through gold-foil experiment Discovered nucleus consisted of positively charged particles; named them protons

6 Recall – History of the Atom Cont.
Niels Bohr Rules Electrons can only orbit at certain allowed distances Atoms radiate Energy when electrons jump from higher-energy orbital to lower-energy orbital Electron can exist in only one of the orbits at any one time

7 A. The Atom and Subatomic Particles
Atom – Smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of the element Atoms are composed of 3 things Electrons (e–) Protons (p+) Neutrons (no)


9 III. How Atoms Differ

10 What makes an atom of one element different from an atom of another element?
The number of protons

11 A. Atomic Number Atomic Number Chemical Symbol Chemical Name
Average Atomic Mass

12 Atomic Number = number of protons
A. Atomic Number Cont. Atomic Number = number of protons = number of electrons (in a neutral atom) Atomic Number Chemical Symbol Chemical Name Average Atomic Mass

13 82 82 O 8 8 Zn 30 30

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