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The Renaissance The Renaissance was a time of renewal, a time of creativity and change Renaissance means rebirth and Europe was recovering from the Medieval.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance The Renaissance was a time of renewal, a time of creativity and change Renaissance means rebirth and Europe was recovering from the Medieval."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Renaissance The Renaissance was a time of renewal, a time of creativity and change Renaissance means rebirth and Europe was recovering from the Medieval times with its Dark Ages and the Black Plague. People began to put more focus on human beings.

3 Where did it begin? Italy Italian Cities Major Trading Centers
Secular-Moved away from life in the church; started focusing more on material objects and enjoying life

4 Major Italian Cities Adriatic Sea Tyrrhenian Sea
During the Middle Ages Italy was made up of many independent city-states in northern and central Italy that played an important role in Italian politics and art during the Renaissance. Milan Venice Florence Tyrrhenian Sea Adriatic Sea Genoa Milan One of the richest cities, it controls trade through the Alps. Venice Sitting on the Adriatic, it attracts trade from all over the world. Florence Controlled by the Medici Family, who became great patrons of the arts. Genoa Had Access to both sea and overland trade routes

5 New Techniques also emerged
Renaissance Artists embraced some of the ideals of Greece and Rome in their art They wanted their subjects to be realistic and focused on humanity and emotion New Techniques also emerged Frescos: Painting done on wet plaster became popular because it gave depth to the paintings Sculpture emphasized realism and the human form Architecture reached new heights of design

6 Ideas reflected in Renaissance Art
Secularism-focus on the earthly, the non-religious Humanism-the intellectual movement that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues Individualism-the importance of the individual.

7 Born in 1475 in a small town near Florence, is considered to be one of the most inspired men who ever lived

8 1504 David - Michelangelo

9 David details Michelangelo represented the body in three dimensions of sculpture. David stands 17 feet tall!

10 Sistine Chapel About a year after creating David, Pope Julius II summoned Michelangelo to Rome to work on his most famous project, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

11 Separation of Light and Darkness
Creation of Adam Creation of Eve The Last Judgment Separation of Light and Darkness

12 La Pieta 1499 Marble Sculpture

13 Genius! Renaissance Man

14 The Renaissance Man Has broad knowledge in a number of fields
Can link information from different disciplines and create new knowledge

15 Self Portrait – Da Vinci 1512
Artist Sculptor Architect Scientist Engineer Inventor

16 Mona Lisa

17 The Last Supper

18 Renaissance: The Last Supper 1498 - Da Vinci

19 Leonardo the Sculptor None of his works have survived.
We know of them from his notebooks. He did not particularly value sculpting which he said was a “mechanical” activity.

20 Leonardo the Architect From the pages of his Notebook
Study of a church 1488

21 Leonardo the Scientist, Biology From the pages of his Notebook
Exemplifies the humanist desire to unlock the mysteries of nature.

22 Leonardo the Scientist, Anatomy From the pages of his Notebook

23 Leonardo the Inventor From the pages of his Notebook
A flying machine - helicopter Military machines, 1487

24 Notebooks

25 Raphael Painter

26 The School of Athens

27 Pythagoras Plato and Aristotle Socrates

28 Raphael (back) Euclid Zoroaster & Ptolemy

29 Political Ideas of the Renaissance
Niccolò Machiavelli The Prince Machiavelli believed: “One can make this generalization about men: they are ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit” Machiavelli observed city-state rulers of his day and produced guidelines for the acquisition and maintenance of power by absolute rule. He felt that a ruler should be willing to do anything to maintain control without worrying about conscience.

30 Better for a ruler to be feared than to be loved
Ruler should be quick and decisive in decision making Ruler keeps power by any means necessary The end justifies the means Be good when possible, and evil when necessary

31 Northern Renaissance artists portrayed religious and secular subjects.
• Growing wealth in Northern Europe supported Renaissance ideas. • Northern Renaissance thinkers merged humanist ideas with Christianity. • The movable type printing press and the production and sale of books (Gutenberg Bible) helped disseminate ideas. Northern Renaissance artists portrayed religious and secular subjects. Northern Renaissance writers • Erasmus—The Praise of Folly (1511) • Sir Thomas More—Utopia (1516)

32 Where did the Northern Renaissance take place?

33 Literature flourished during the Renaissance
This can be greatly attributed to Johannes Gutenberg In 1455 Gutenberg printed the first book produced by using moveable type. The Bible

34 Erasmus Dutch humanist
Pushed for a Vernacular (everyday language) form of the Bible criticized abuses in the Church. Wrote in order to promote reform in the Church. Wrote:The Praise of Folly – his book where he exposes the immoral behavior of many people, including the clergy.

35 Sir Thomas More English Humanist Friend of Erasmus Wrote: Utopia
A book about a perfect society where men and women live in harmony No private property no one is lazy all people are educated the justice system is used to end crime instead of executing criminals.

36 Shakespeare, 1590 CERVANTES, 1600s
Poet and playwright Comedies, tragedies – commentaries on society CERVANTES, 1600s From the Spanish Renaissance Don Quixote – makes fun of medieval chivalry

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