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What guides your decision making?

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Presentation on theme: "What guides your decision making?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What guides your decision making?

2 Curriculum Objectives
I can describe what a democracy is. I can explain the four principles of democracy (FREJ). I can compare and contrast equity and equality within a democracy.

3 Focus Questions What influences your personal decisions?
What are different ways to make decisions with groups? How can decision making be fair and equitable? Jaw Jar

4 Why are we learning this?
We need to understand the different ways that individuals and groups can make choices. We can then begin to understand how groups, such as governments, make decisions and how we can influence those decisions. This is important to you because wise decision making will help you throughout your life.

5 What influences your personal decisions?
Decisions can be affected by internal factors, such as wanting to be helpful or a sense of responsibility. Decisions can also be affected by external factors such as peer pressure.


7 What are different ways to make decisions with groups?
Consensus Everybody Can Vote Representative

8 Consensus Agreement by everyone involved in a decision, achieved through a process of discussion in which everyone has a voice and works for the good of the whole group Example It is more than a 100% vote -- it is a decision that everyone in the group can live with, and the majority of the group feels good about and invested in.

9 Advantages It is possible for each individual to have had the opportunity to express their opinion, be listened to There are no winners or losers Promotes participation

10 Disadvantages Time consuming People are holding back
Individuals are not willing to compromise Someone is dominating the conversation People are going off topic

11 Everybody Can Vote Majority rules: a political principle providing that a majority, usually constituted by fifty percent plus one of an organized group, will have the power to make decisions binding upon the whole.

12 Advantages Produce a prompt and clear decision

13 Disadvantages Limited incentive to compromise
Outcome does not serve the interest of all people Can breed competition

14 Representative Elect a representative to make a decision

15 Advantages It becomes a job More efficient
Quicker decisions making abilities

16 Disadvantages What if’s

17 Let’s Make some decisions…6s’
Ban all junk food sales in school. Medical testing on animals does more good than harm. Cell phones should be allowed in schools. Homework should be banned. Zoos do more harm than good. There should be year round schooling for students in K – 12. It’s unethical to eat meat.

18 Do you agree with this statement?
“Fair isn’t always equal”

19 Equality, Equity & Fairness
After this lesson you need to be able to understand the difference between fairness and equity, and equality.

20 How can decision making be fair and equitable?


22 Equality Is about everyone getting the exactly the same, no matter what needs they have

23 Fairness & Equity Are about everyone getting the right amount, based on their needs

24 Freeze Frame Theatre In your groups you must make a freeze frame theatre presentation illustrating both fairness and equity, and equality.

25 Something to think about…
Does “fair” always mean “equal”?

26 Equality?

27 Example #1 Let’s say that your parents have $100 to spend on winter clothes. You have outgrown your coat, but your older sister’s still fits her. How do you parents divide the $100 equally? How would you divide it equitably?

28 Example #2 Your sister has soccer practice right after dinner most days of the week. Because of this, you must help with the supper dishes more often than she does. Is this equal? Is it equitable? What would make it equal? What would make it equitable?

29 Pizza Pie Your task: Label one pizza fairness and equity and the other equality. In the pizza segment, write or draw an example of the concept, using one not already given.

30 Identify the situations below as examples of equality or equity
Identify the situations below as examples of equality or equity? Explain your thinking. The girls’ hockey team gets the same amount of ice as the boys’ hockey team. Grade 1 students have recess so they can have a better chance to use the playground equipment. Every student has to have a letter of permission from home in order to go on the class trip.

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