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Welcome to Year 1.

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1 Welcome to Year 1

2 Welcome to Year 1 Miss Robinson

3 Aims for Year 1 We want our children to… be happy!
achieve their full potential. enjoy learning in lots of different ways. be independent and considerate in the classroom. develop further skills that will encourage them to ask questions and find answers.

4 Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) Year 1 is the year when the systems and “ways of doing things” at Excalibur really begins. All that I begin to do is in line with school policies. Planners will be seen on a weekly basis on your child’s guided reading day.

5 Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) Please ask your child to hand their planner to me first thing in the morning if there is a message I need to see that day – or ring the office!

6 National Curriculum English, Maths, Computing, Science, P.E. History, Geography, Art, Music, Design & Technology and R.E. These subjects are mostly taught through a termly theme (letter) Statutory phonics screenings in June Children are assessed at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)

7 As the Nights Get Longer
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

8 Space This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

9 Under the Sea This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

10 The morning routine Excalibur book bags in boxes around the room – to include reading book, planner and RWInc folder every day please RWInc folders in the tray. Water bottles in small boxes on the side Playtime snacks/money in drawers – healthy snacks please

11 The morning routine Packed lunch boxes on shelf in the cloakroom
Coats and pump-bags on pegs Hand any reply slips or planners with messages to me Begin the early morning activity Register at 9am and select lunch option. Tidy up.

12 Please remove or tape ear-rings with micropore on P.E. days
Kit needs to be in school all week – taken home for washing each every couple of weeks - blue shorts, white t-shirt and pumps - these need to be suitable for outdoor P.E. too. Please label EVERYTHING!! Please remove or tape ear-rings with micropore on P.E. days

13 Home/school planners Guided Reading homework book with task Basket books – individual choice and an easier read. Read Write Inc folders – phonic sheets & take home books Purple Mash! Spring - My Maths Spring - Spellings

14 Welly store Details – any changes please let the office know. Medicine to be handed in at the office.

15 Helpers!!! *Class trips *Sticking and cutting *Topic books
Please let me know if you are able to help. *Class trips *Sticking and cutting *Topic books *Hearing readers *Special skills – sewing, baking

16 Responsibilities and rewards
V.I.P. Water bottle monitors House points Show & Tell Star of the week

17 Thank you for coming.

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