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Results of CLIP and CC4U2 Projects

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1 Results of CLIP and CC4U2 Projects

2 PHENOMENA Faculty lost knowledge monopoly
Students got unlimited access to information resources “Red Shift” phenomenon in the system of production, development and transfer of knowledge A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

3 “Red Shift” Phenomenon” in Extending Information and Communication Space
A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

Global knowledge from the point of view of: Production Support and Development Access A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

Global classes WEB – multimedia object presentation On/Off-line system of access to educational content A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

Integration of educational resources Multilanguage educational environment Asynchrony of modern learning management systems A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

Harmonization with environment Development of social and informational personality immune system A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

8 CC4U2 7 UA project members were trained at UNSA Polytechnic School
Glasgow Caledonian University A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

9 CC4U2 BCS curricula were updated:
To prepare BCS curricula 2 workshops were carried out at V.N. Karazin KNU (November 2007 and March 2008) Updated curricula were represented and discussed at meeting of Subcommission in Informatics of Scientific and Methodology Commission in System Analysis and Cybernetics of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Updated curricula were adopted by Universities Academic Councils of V.N. Karazin KNU and KSU First course students are trained using updated curricula. It is planned that number of students at this specialty at KSU will be increased from 40 to 60 next year A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

10 CC4U2: BACHELOR A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

11 CC4U2 MCS curricula: MCS curricula at V.N. Karazin KNU were updated and adopted by Academic Council and implemented since September 2008 MCS curricula at KSU were prepared and will be implemented since September 2009 A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

12 CC4U2: Master Degree A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

13 CC4U2 It was decided to create a new specialty “Software Engineering” at KSU Training plans for this specialty are already prepared It was planned that it would be accredited in December 2008 and 40 students would enter BSE programmed since September 2009 Students textbooks were prepared. They cover main baselines of MCS training. Computer Architecture, Networks and Operational Systems, Programming, System Analysis and Modeling, Web Technologies, Databases, Software Engineering and Artificial Intellect A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

14 A. Spivakovsky Conference, 20-23 May 2009, Kherson State University

15 CC4U2 + CLIP First project conference was held (KSU, May 2008)
Updated curricula (BCS and MCS) were represented to the colleagues from other Ukrainian universities and to the representative of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

16 CC4U2 EU and UA project members selected students who were trained in EU since January to May EU project members interviewed the students V.N. Karazin KNU students - in March 2008 during 2 project workshop at V.N. Karazin KNU KSU students - in May 2008 during first project conference A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

17 CC4U2 Students of UA universities have the updated curricula
take Master courses at EU universities A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

18 CC4U2 Ensuring sustainability via university-enterprise collaboration
organization of services for students to help take courses at EU universities bilateral agreements between universities A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

19 CC4U2 Agreements Kherson State University University of Nice-Sophia
Antipolis V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Glasgow Caledonian University A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

20 CLIP Technical infrastructure of the Kherson Universities joint educational electronic resources was created and is in use. Organizational network of Ukrainian partners was established A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

21 CLIP Wi-Fi KSU More than a 100 students’ laptops are registered
A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

22 CLIP LCMS (Learning Content Management System) core services for resources publishing, users’ registration, and catalogue maintenance was deployed A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

23 CLIP A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

24 CLIP Ukrainian members (teachers, IT specialists, training administrators and decision makers) were familiarized with ICT services for students and teachers at UNSA and KTH A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

25 CLIP Development of LCMS and implementation of virtual workspaces for students and teachers Including of existing educational resources (program specifications, course descriptions, and training materials) in joint catalogue and make access to this recourses to students of Kherson universities nevertheless host institution and development of educational eContent A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

26 CLIP - KSU № KSU SCHOOLS Resources 1
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics 400 2 Faculty of Economics and Law 223 3 Institute of Philology and Journalism 209 4 Faculty of Physical Training and Spots 120 5 Institute of Foreign Philology 188 6 Faculty of Preschool and Elementary Education 96 7 Institute of Psychology, History and Sociology 164 8 Institute of Natural Science 124 9 Faculty of Culture and Art 92 10 All-university chairs General number of the resources 1619 A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

27 Our gratitude to: University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France)
Glasgow Caledonian University(Great Britain) Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine) Kherson National Technical University (Ukraine) Kherson State Agricultural University (Ukraine) A. Spivakovsky Conference, May 2009, Kherson State University

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