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Metropolia Library Introduction to Library Services

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1 Metropolia Library Introduction to Library Services

2 Metropolia Library 9 library units (on the library database MetCat)
Vantaa: Myyrmäki and Tikkurila Helsinki: Bulevardi, Agricolankatu, Onnentie, Tukholmankatu, Sofianlehdonkatu and Vanha viertotie Espoo: Leppävaara Myyrmäki Unit Library collections focus on: Business and administration (and social sience) Automation engineering Bio and food technology Chemical engineering Environmental engineering Materials technology and surface engineering Electronics engineering Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

3 Myyrmäki Unit Library Opening hours
Mon, Wed 9 – 18.30 Tue, Thu 9 – 17 Fri 10 – 15 Exceptions to opening hours etc., see the Myyrmäki library unit page on Metropolia library web-pages - and on the library door Twitter (test use, only in Finnish) Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

4 What does it cost to use the library?
Nothing - using the library is free of charge as long as you follow the library rules Exceptions: The fees for overdue material Replacing lost library card (3 €) Fines for late return; suspension of borrowing right. Fines by the day for late return of material will be introduced during the academic year Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

5 Additional services Copying cards Printers 2 scanners
Rechargeable card, see price list in the library and on the web Printers Use is free of charge, bring your own papers 1 black & white laser 2 scanners Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

6 Where can I find information on books?
Metropolia library collections and web-pages MetCat, database of collections, Books and periodicals Libraries’ web pages and online-catalogues Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

7 What is MetCat? Metropolia Library database
What can you do with it? Search for book and periodicals (some links to e-materials) Check you patron (=customer) information Renew your loans (max. 10 times, no counter) Make reservations to books that are out on loan Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

8 How/where can I get a library card
At the library service desk ID card (with picture) required Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

9 How long can I keep the books? - Loan periods
Books in general collection – 4 weeks Books in short loan collection – 2 weeks Books in reference collection – not loaned Theses – 2 weeks Periodicals – 1 week (latest issue not loaned) Returnings at the library desk or the return box (when library is closed) Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

10 What if the books are all out?
Reservations On MetCat At the library desk Via (add library card number info!) Only books that are out If copies available, contact the library Item available notice by Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

11 What if I don’t return on time?
Please do! Notices by courtesy notice, overdue notice Borrowing ban Regaining borrowing priviledges, cost 10 € For more details see the rules on the net Daily fines coming in March 2010 0,20 € / day / book Short loans 2 € / day / book Loans can be renewed if no reservations At the library, on the web (MetCat), by , by telephone Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

12 Time to practice! Simple search
Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

13 Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

14 AND: (A and B) marketing AND ethics
Boolean search: AND A B AND: (A and B) marketing AND ethics Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

15 OR: (A OR B) marketing OR promotion
Boolean search: OR A B OR: (A OR B) marketing OR promotion Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

16 NOT: (A NOT B) marketing NOT advertising
Boolean search: NOT A B NOT: (A NOT B) marketing NOT advertising Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

17 within the search field A between the search fields B
Boolean operators within the search field A between the search fields B Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

18 Where can I find e-material
Nelli portal List of databases: Databases A – Z Electronic articles and books Reference databases Remote access from home Electronic theses Theseus Doria Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

19 Selection of search terms
Look for search terms on Reference books Articles Databases Dictionaries Subject term lists, thesauri Look for broader and/or narrower terms, related terms, synonyms Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

20 Database structure: fields
Tips for searching the databases Database structure: fields e.g. author search in author field, subject terms in subject field Truncation e.g. behavio*, wom%n Phrases or sentences e.g. ”corporate governance”, ”principles of marketing” Limiters: publication date or type, language Synonyms Subject terms Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

21 List of most useful databases
Ebrary Ebsco BSE (Business Source Elite) ABI (ProQuest) PressDisplay Emerald Source OECD MOT Theseus Helecon MIX Linnea databases … and many others, see the list Databases A-Z Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

22 Let’s visit the library!
Library card Locate books Päivi Ylitalo-Kallio

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