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Compare / Contrast Paragraphs

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Presentation on theme: "Compare / Contrast Paragraphs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare / Contrast Paragraphs

2 Topic Sentence The topic sentence of a comparison / contrast essay should -name the topic -indicate the controlling idea

3 Topic Sentence For example— The Olympics of ancient Greece and the Olympics of today have three key differences.

4 Point-by-Point Organization
Topic Sentence (the Beatles and the Rolling Stones are different) First Point (music) Second Point (fashion) Conclusion (the Beatles and the Rolling Stones are different)

5 Block Organization Topic Sentence (Beatles and Rolling Stones are different) First Block – Beatles Second Block –Rolling Stones Conclusion (Beatles and Rolling Stones are different)

6 The following words can help you to write a good compare and contrast paragraph

7 Tips Similarities Example is similar to
is similar to Spring weather in Vancouver is similar to spring weather in Halifax. both Both Vancouver and Halifax have rain in the spring. also Halifax also has a rainy spring season. too Halifax has a rainy spring season, too. as well As well, Halifax has rainy spring season.

8 Tips Differences Example on the other hand
on the other hand On the other hand, winter is much colder in Halifax. however However, winter is much colder in Halifax. but Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax has a cold one. in contrast to In contrast to Vancouver, Halifax has a cold winter. differs from Halifax differs from Vancouver by having a cold winter. while While Vancouver has a mild winter, Halifax has a cold winter. unlike Unlike Halifax, Vancouver doesn't get much snow.

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