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Introduction to Global Maritime Network (GMN) Project

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1 Introduction to Global Maritime Network (GMN) Project
Dr Zabi Bazari | GMN Consultant 1st MTCC-Africa National Workshop | June 2017 | Mombasa, Kenya The Global MTCC Network (GMN) project is funded by the European Union and implemented by IMO The views expressed in this presentation can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union

2 IMO’s response path to promote technology transfer and capacity building
Reg. 23 -MARPOL Annex VI, MEPC Resolution on TT and CB, Ad-hoc EWG- TT ITCP: Awareness raising and capacity building tools Major Projects: Capacity building & private sector partnerships Global network to promote technology cooperation and transfer Institutionalize capacity building and tech. transfer support at regional level for sustainable Impact GMN Project Page ▪ 2 Page ▪ 2

3 International nature of maritime industry
International Nature of Maritime Sector – Need for a sector specific network of global Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) Focus on regions with large number of LDCs and SIDS (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Latin America and Pacific)

4 GMN: An initiative funded by the EU
Total Funding Euro 10,000,000 January 2017 to December 2019 5 MTCCs to be formed During the project, the MTCCs to become fully operational. Beyond the project, the MTCCs will become financially self- sustained

5 GMN Project objectives
Overall Objective: Build capacity – Improve energy efficiency – Reduce GHG emissions – Contribute to fight against climate change Specific Objectives: Establish 5 MTCCs with regional dimension; Improve the capacities in maritime administrations and port authorities in the developing regions; Promote the uptake of low carbon technologies and operations through implementation of pilot projects;  and Pilot trial of voluntary “Data Collection and Reporting (DCR)” systems. MTCCs transforming themselves into regional centres of excellence

6 Developing partnership at different levels
IMO global implementation Partners Global Coordination, Partnerships Regional outreach, capacity building and information exchange Regional Partners Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres National Govt. Host Institution Industry R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

7 MTCC Functions / Scope Capacity Building / training
Catalyzing technology cooperation & partnerships Technology needs and market barrier analysis MTCC Functions / Scope Assisting policy and institutional strengthening Networking among MTCCs Facilitate data collection & technology demo projects

8 All MTCCs have been established and they are becoming operational
University of Trinidad & Tobago Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Kenya Shanghai Maritime university, China International Maritime University of Panama, Panama Pacific Community, Fiji All MTCCs have been established and they are becoming operational

9 Specific activities of MTCCs
Capacity building 4 national workshops 2 regional workshops Some of the workshops to be organized outside of the MTCC host country Pilot projects Two pilot projects to be defined The projects to be implemented

10 GMN project components
Component 1 – Establishment/formation and capacitating of 5 MTCCs Component 2 - Capacity building in maritime administrations, port authorities, relevant government departments and shipping sector Component 3 - Implementation of pilot projects on “uptake of ship energy efficient technologies and operations” Component 4 - Implementation of pilot projects on “data collection and reporting, DCR”. Component 5 – Communications and dissemination Component 6 - Project management and monitoring

11 Project management structure
Membership: EC, IMO, Maritime administration, private sector, maritime education and training, etc. Role: Provide wider visibility, share ideas with GMN and its PCU on all aspects

12 Further information GMN project website:

13 Thank you for your attention!

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