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7th grade “Snowman” project

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1 7th grade “Snowman” project
Students will choose a nonfiction book of their choice, read the book, and complete the following menu project using the information learned. Students must choose a non-fiction book which focuses on a character who displays courage or perseverance. Happy Reading! This assignment is due on:___________________ Appetizer: Choose one Compare your character with another previously discussed character from class (i.e. Anne Frank, Shmuel, Liesel, etc.) Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting your character with another character we have discussed in class. Create a four-square comparing and contrasting your character with another character we have discussed in class. Main Course: Choose one Create a representation of the primary character in your nonfiction book. Your character should be dressed as this individual, and include 5 quotes from the book which provide supporting evidence showing how your character displays courage and perseverance. You can complete this task in one of the following ways: Make a 3-D snowman to represent your character. Your snowman can be created out of any materials you choose. Your 5 characterization quotations should be on cards, include the page number where the quote can be found, and accompany your snowman. Make a digital presentation of your character in a video or slideshow with a minimum of 10 slides or 3-5 minutes (i.e. power point, prezi, sway, etc.) Your presentation should also include 5 characterization quotes with page numbers. Make a project board with your character represented in the center panel. The side panels can include your 5 characterization quotes with page numbers and other information about your character. Board must include 3-D elements (not just written directly on the board). Dessert: Required! Create a thesis statement which explains how your character displayed acts of courage and/or perseverance. Your thesis should include your explanation and three supporting reasons. (Example: Lauren Stuart exhibits courage and perseverance when she saved Dane from a fire, stood up for what she believed in, and didn’t give up on her students. Create a graphic organizer to visually represent your thesis statement (Circle map, Spider map, etc.) Information must be written in complete sentences.

2 Nonfiction Project Rubric
Project element 20 points 15 points 10 points 0 points Appetizer Includes a venn diagram or four square. Compares and contrasts the main character of the novel to a character discussed in class. Includes a venn diagram or four square, but they aren’t completed. Doesn’t fully compare and contrast the main character of the novel to a character discussed in class. Missing several parts of the appetizer. The appetizer was not completed. Main Course The representation of the primary character is easily recognizable. It includes 5 quotes with page numbers which support how the character displays courage and perseverance. The representation of the primary character is somewhat recognizable. It includes3-4 quotes with page numbers which support how the character displays courage and perseverance. Missing several parts of the main course. The main course was not completed. Dessert Includes a graphic organizer which clearly represents a thesis statement with three supporting reasons. It is written in complete sentences. Includes a graphic organizer which somewhat represents a thesis statement with only 1-2 supporting reasons. It is not written in complete sentences. Missing several parts of the dessert. The dessert was not completed. Neatness Student shows great effort in completing this assignment. Student’s work is neat and easily read. There are few/no grammatical errors. Student shows some effort in completing this assignment. The work is somewhat near and easily read. There are many errors. Student shows little effort in completing this assignment. Student’s work is not neat or easily read. There are several errors. The project is illegible or shows no effort on the part of the student.

3 Book Approval: Book Task PROPOSED
Nonfiction Book Task IMPORTANT DATES Book Approval: Book Task PROPOSED By Thursday Aug. 25 Book Completed: Around Friday Sept. 16 Final Due Date: MONDAY OCT. 3

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