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Title How can stress benefit your brain?

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Presentation on theme: "Title How can stress benefit your brain?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title How can stress benefit your brain? helps memory, prevents Alzheimer's 2) How are workers affected by mundane, monotonous jobs? Have more health problems, usually. people who spent most of their lives in undemanding jobs had a 43 per cent risk of dying prematurely premature (baby) USA Accountant, Bank Teller, waiter, RoK  Acct, BT, delivery man,

2 What’s the different between USA and R.O.K restaurant etiquette?
USA  TIP!!!! (15%); RoK: usually not USA  eye contact with the waitress; RoK  “Yogiyoh bell ”; call out. USA  Share the appetizer, but ABOLUTELY NO! DOUBLE! DIPPING!!!!!!! *hint* Chips and nacho cheese STOP DOUBLE DIPPING!!!!! Chips and cheese; quesadilla; wings….

3 Answer the following questions:
I think I’ve been stressed about (…) times, this week. Some of the reasons are: SLEEP, money, car inspection, heartburn, family health trouble, MIDTERMS!!!!!!!!!!!

4 To go into shock to be in a state of shock
What do you call the condition when a person has suffered a sudden, life-threatening, stressful situation…survives, but is then motionless or unable to speak coherently?

5 ㄴㄴ Cheer up Chin up

6 ㄴㄴ MIDTERM S!!!!!!!!!!!

7 ㄴㄴ ㄴㄴ

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