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MSIT 543 Cryptography Concepts and Techniques Hashes

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1 MSIT 543 Cryptography Concepts and Techniques Hashes
Dr Jeffrey A Robinson

2 Hashes – One way functions
Easy one direction Difficult or impossible to reverse For example: Modulus mathematics Multiplying or dividing by very large prime numbers and taking the last hundred digits or so. Pseudo-random number generator, using message as the “seed”

3 Hashes Hashes are numbers generated using a one way algorithm (like modulus mathematics)

4 How Hashes Work Modulus functions Checksums CRCs MDA SHA-256
Many proprietary (e.g. login hashes, CANON pictures)

5 How Hashes Work Examples of applications Error Detecting Codes
Lotids Part numbers VIN numbers Passwords Fixity Digital Watermarks - Photos Digital fingerprints Computer Forensics

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