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Ancient Africa.

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1 Ancient Africa

2 North Africa Egypt Aksum Kush

3 Ancient Egypt

4 Location Egypt was located in the Nile River Floodplain
Predictable flooding Fertile farmland Three Seasons of the Nile Season of Going Out Floodwaters receded exposing fertile land Farmers planted and tended crops Season of Harvest Farmers harvested crops All crops belonged to Pharaoh Huge surplus lasted the entire year Season of Flood Spring Mineral rich silt was carried down stream from mountains Provided very fertile soil Farmers spent these months working for the Pharaoh

5 Pre-Dynastic Period 3200-2600 BC
Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt separate kingdoms united Dynastic System develops Ruler (Pharoah) considered divine Irrigation projects lead to an abundance of food and population explosion

6 Old Kingdom Egypt The Pyramid Age 2600 BC – 2150 BC
Era of Relative Peace and Stability Major construction projects 2600 BC 1st Pyramid Building Tombs of Pharoahs 2500 BC Great Pyramids & Sphinx constructed at Giza Hieroglyphics standardized Evidence of graffiti at tombs 2100 BC Regional nobles competed for control Dynasty loses control

7 Middle Kingdom Egypt World Trading Power 2100 BC – 1700 BC
Strong Pharaohs from Thebes gain control of the kingdom Mentuhotep II regains control over all of Egypt New capital in Lisht Egypt becomes an international power by reconquering Nubia and expanding trade routes Foreigners called Hyksos from eastern Mediterranean settle in Egypt during good times 1500 BC Hyksos eventually gain control of Lower Egypt Native Egyptians still control Upper Egypt from Thebes

8 New Kingdom Egypt The Age of Empire 1550 BC – 1075 BC
Rulers from Thebes reassert control and drive out Hyksos Expand borders of Egypt in military campaign designed to strengthen the empire Take control of Nubia and the Levant Force tribute from Babylon, Assyria and other neighbors top the East 1400 BC Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) attempts to impose monotheism 1320 Ramses II Strong, warrior Pharaoh Signed treaty w/ Hittites

9 Ancient Egypt Three Kingdoms Old Middle New

10 Religion Polytheistic Fair & predictable gods Pharaoh was divine
Egyptians belief in an afterlife led to mummification “Book of the Dead” outlines requirements for afterlife Pyramids represent importance of afterlife in Egyptian thought

11 Government Bureaucracy Pharaoh a living god
Vizier chief administrator of Pharaoh’s government Local nobility and priests administer government responsibilities

12 Economics Nile river the foundation of a strong, stable economy
Silt provided enough fertile land to produce enough crops for the entire population for a full year Surplus used for trade and to support the less fortunate Season of Flood provide a huge urban work force Middle Kingdom began to become a world trade power

13 Accomplishments Pyramids Hieroglyphics Papyrus Medicine Astronomy Math

14 Important People Menes Hatshepsut Akhenaton Tutankhamun RamsesII
Foundations Hatshepsut Trade Akhenaton Monotheism Tutankhamun Tomb RamsesII War / treaty Exodus?

15 Hieroglyphics Chart Use this chart to write your name and a secret message using Egyptian Hieroglyphics!

16 Hieroglyphics B C CH D E (pet) (be) F G (girl) H I J K L M N O P Q/U R
A (cat) A (make) B C CH D E (pet) (be) F G (gym) (girl) H I J K L M N O (dog) (sew) P Q/U R S S (rays) SH T V Y Z

17 Reasons for Decline Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom
Disunity / greed of local nobles Middle Kingdom Hyksos New Kingdom Assyrians

18 Geography Government Economics Religion Social Structure Isolated River Valley Regular Flooding Plentiful Food & Water Theocratic Dynastic Bureaucratic Agrarian Stable Strong Surplus Polytheistic Animistic Positive Predictable Hierarchical

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