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The French and Indian War

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1 The French and Indian War

2 What were the 2 reasons the French settled in North America?
Fur Trade Spread Catholicism

3 France’s North American Empire
France was in North America by 1534 Founded Quebec in 1608 French fur traders eventually spread further south and claimed the Mississippi River Valley Established the important port city of New Orleans

4 Differences Between the British Colonies and French Colonies
Diverse population Built towns & raised families Not friendly with Natives Population consisted of Fur traders and Catholic priests Had no desire to build towns or raise families Friendly with Natives

5 French Relations with Native Americans
The French were friendly with the Native Americans French Catholic priests wanted to convert them French fur traders relied on the Natives to trap the animals, then trade the fur for French goods

6 British Colonies Most colonists saw themselves as British
As the colonies grew and population increased, there was a demand for more space Colonists were continuously moving west

7 Causes of the French and Indian War
France and Great Britain both wanted control of North America (land = $ = power) France & Britain had already been fighting wars in Europe (The Seven Years War)

8 The French & Indian War (1754-1763)
Great Britain and American Colonists France and Native Americans VS.

9 The French & Indian War (1754- 1763)
Early French Victories 1755 & 1756 British were used to fighting in orderly rows British soldiers turned and ran when the French and Native American troops jumped out from behind trees and surprise attacked them

10 The French & Indian War (1754-1763)
The British Army was supposed to be the best in the world The Colonists began to question the ability of the British army to protect them

11 The French & Indian War (1754- 1763)
The War Takes a Turn King George II was unhappy with the British losses so he sent William Pitt (PITT’sburgh!!!) The British started winning battles Convinced Iroquois tribe to help In 1763, a decisive battle at Quebec led to a British victory

12 Treaty of Paris 1763 Document that officially ended all conflict between the British and French (in North America and Europe)

Treaty of Paris 1763 WINNER: Great Britain  got all of North America east of Mississippi River including Florida and the port city of New Orleans LOSERS: French  lost almost all of their territory in North America Natives  Continued to lose land to British colonists THIS IS WHY WE SPEAK ENGLISH NOT FRENCH!

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