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Uri Attack And it’s subsequent consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Uri Attack And it’s subsequent consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uri Attack And it’s subsequent consequences

2 Introduction The presentation explains the set of events triggered by Uri attack leading to current Issues between India and pakistan.

3 Kick-start In the early moring sunday(18-sep-2106) , armed miltants entered an army base in garrison town of Uri(the capial of indian administered Jammu and kashmir) killing 18 soldiers.

4 Pak’s Indulgence Gathering evidence from the map they used,revealed that four terrorist who stormed the base were pakhtun speaking.The terrorists carried automatic rifles carrying pakistan's markings.

5 World Against Pakistan
Minister Rajnath Singh accused Pakistan of what he called its "continued and direct support to terrorism and terrorist groups," calling Pakistan a "terrorist state" that should be "isolated.

6 India’s surgical strike
Indian army carried out a surgical strike accross the LOC. No civilian casuality was reported whereas pakistan accused india soldiers for causing civilians casualities , which just proves they do treat terrorists as civilians.

7 18:2 Ratio of Indian soldiers killed to Pakistan soldiers deceased.

8 “If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.”

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