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Unit 2 (Part 1): Natural and Human Systems Sco’s 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3 pg

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1 Unit 2 (Part 1): Natural and Human Systems Sco’s 1. 1, 1. 2, 1. 3 pg

2 1.System: A set of parts that together form an interconnected whole.
2.Natural Systems: systems that is found in nature. E.g. The circulation of water in the oceans, Weather and climate systems Water drainage systems Energy cycles

3 Ecosystems can be quite small e.g. a puddle or as large as a planet.
3.These are systems that occur in nature, and together, they form ecosystems, which are communities of plants and animal that interact with one another and with their physical environment. Ecosystems can be quite small e.g. a puddle or as large as a planet.

4 Transportation systems Communication systems Information systems
4. Human Systems: systems created by people. E.g. Human settlements Transportation systems Communication systems Information systems

5 5. The earth’s natural features can be grouped into four spheres: Pg

6 A. Atmosphere Atmosphere – a thin layer of gasses that surround the Earth. Consists mainly of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) but also water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and small amounts of other gasses.

7 Atmosphere

8 B.Lithosphere Lithosphere – the Earth’s crust and the uppermost part of the underlying mantle consisting of rocks, minerals and soils. The lithosphere varies in thickness from less than 2 kilometers under the Atlantic ocean to 250 kilometers under the continents.

9 Lithosphere

10 CRUSTAL PLATES: pieces of the lithosphere PLATE TECTONICS: show movement of theses plates on the underlying mantle. This movement causes mountain-building, volcanoes and earthquakes. More on this later!

11 C. THE HYDROSPHERE All of the water on Earth’s crust – salty, fresh and frozen. Includes oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, swamps and water vapor. 70% of Earth is ocean

12 Hydrosphere

13 D.Biosphere The biosphere, which means “sphere of life”, is the layer of the Earth in which life evolves. It is the layer which supports all living things as they interact with each other and with the other three spheres.

14 Biosphere

15 Assigned work Do questions 1,2 and 4-6 on Page 53.
Students complete : Handout #1

16 Answers to Questions . Pg.53
1. A food chain is like a system because it is made up of different parts that connect to a whole. For example, a hawk eats a snake that eats a frog that eats a cricket that eats wetland plants. 2. Some points to mention are : - human systems are artificial - human systems often disrupt natural systems - human systems depend on natural systems -human systems have developed over a short time while natural systems over a very long time

17 4. Some responses could include:
- Atmosphere : we breathe oxygen, we dress according to weather , we use sunscreen to protect us from UV rays - Lithosphere – we walk on the ground - Hydrosphere – we wash and bathe , we drink water, we swim , we skate - Biosphere – we walk the dog, we eat plants and animals, we sit under a shade tree on a sunny day

18 5. Water is essential for each of the other spheres
5. Water is essential for each of the other spheres. Water vapour and precipitation are in the atmosphere. Water is contained in ground water and aquifers in the lithosphere. All life needs water to survive , so it is essential for the biosphere. 6. Sigmund describes the Earth as beautiful and fragile. When he saw the whole planet from space, he could visualize it as a giant interdependent set of systems.

19 Video: Natural and Human Systems
World Evolution and Man's Effects

20 Questions: World Evolution and Man’s Effects

21 The Geography of Life : Natural Systems Pgs. 54-57

22 6. The Water Cycle pg.55-56 The water cycle is the natural system that involves the circulation of water to support life on earth. The water on earth is continuously flowing and changing state, from gas (water vapour), to liquid, to solid (ice). The earth never loses or gains any water. It is a closed system and the water in that system is constantly recycled.

23 The Water Cycle Canada has about 9% of the world’s fresh water supply.
Most of Canada’s fresh water is located in uninhabited areas and in Aquifers, which are layers of porous rock that can store large quantities of water.

24 The Water Cycle

25 Animated Water Cycle Copy : Diagram pg. 56 textbook

26 Water Cycle The water cycle is an important natural process. Water is stored in oceans, ground water ,ice caps , and living things . Transpiration occurs when plants give off water. Water also enters the atmosphere through evaporation. Water vapour then condenses in clouds and precipitation occurs. The water returns to water bodies where the process starts all over again.

27 Complete Handout #2

28 7.Decay Cycle (Nutrient Cycle) Pg.57
In natural systems there is no waste. Creatures such as fungi and bacteria act as Decomposers to eat and recycle nature’s waste material. When leaves fall to the ground they are broken down by decomposers and the leaf’s nutrients are passed back into the soil for other plants to use. This process of decomposition and regeneration in nature is called the Decay Cycle.


30 Decay cycle (Nutrient Cycle)
Decomposers break down the dead matter from trees and animals Nutrients are released back into the soil Roots of trees absorb the nutrients Nutrients travel up the trunk of the tree and are used as energy for growth. Consumers eat the leaves of trees or the dead leaves fall back to the ground

31 Human Systems pg. 58-63 Depend on natural systems
Are not well understood by humans Can be affected by outside events and influences Are interconnected in a complicated network of relationships May recycle wastes, but often leave harmful waste Operate on shorter timelines than natural systems Display Synergy

32 Students : Define the following terms : Using your Glossary
A. Technology B. Economic system C. Transportation system D. Infrastructure

33 Read Pgs Complete Handout # 3 on Water Crisis

34 Teachers can show this slide or discuss answers with Students:
1. Water infrastructure in NL is in need of repair and upgrading but who will pay ( provincial or municipal government) is the problem. 2. Different governments have to agree on a suitable financial arrangement because water is so vital for life. Money may need to be taken from other services to fix the water problem. 3. You can become informed about water testing standards , if you own a well free testing is provided by government. Maybe even write letters to the editor about the issue.

35 Natural and Human Systems Interact (pgs. 64-75)
Q. How are humans negatively affecting the natural environment. A. Some things are water pollution, smog , garbage dumps and pesticide use . The bigger issue that these bring about are : (i) climate change (ii) endangered species Discuss as a class !

36 Students Read pg. 66 and Complete Handout #4

37 Give to students or Discuss possible answers to Handout #4
1. Human Systems - construction to make houses - retail to provide tea - water treatment to provide water - manufacturing for kettle - hydroelectricity to provide power - construction for pipes to carry water - agricultural and transportation systems that pollute the water 2. Answers will vary. 3. Answers will vary.

38 8. Pg.67 Chemical Soup Our hydrosphere and the water that we drink are heavily impacted by the pesticides we put on our lawns and the pouring of paint and harsh cleaners down our drains all add to toxic chemicals in our water system. What can we do to prevent this from destroying our water that we drink ??

39 9. Systems Thinking p.69 Terms :
A. Systems thinking - is the ability to think and act based on an understanding of how the parts of a whole system interact and are independent. We will look at the interrelationships between people and their environment. B. Sustainable – is the ability to last into the future without diminishing quality. We are trying to achieve sustainable development which means to make our natural resources last for future generations.

40 Case Study : The Missing Salmon
Students read pgs and complete Handout #5.

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