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Mr. sc. Benina Veledar, PhD candidate Head of International Office

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. sc. Benina Veledar, PhD candidate Head of International Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. sc. Benina Veledar, PhD candidate Head of International Office
School of Economics and Business - Quality, Accreditations and Internationalization Mr. sc. Benina Veledar, PhD candidate Head of International Office

2 Agenda School intro HE system in Bosnia and Herzegowina
Quality and Accreditations Bilateral General Agreements GA ERASMUS+ IIA ICM KA 107, CEEPUS Network and MEVLANA Network Plans and Projections (2016/2018) – staff and students

3 School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo
University of Sarajevo Trg oslobođenja – Alija Izetbegović 1 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina  

4 SEBS Facts and Figures Established in 1952, SEBS is the oldest, highest-quality and largest school of economics and business in B&H Approximately students, 90 faculty and 74 support staff. Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in fields of economics and business in both English and local languages. It is the most recognized higher education institution in the country and one of the few in the region that holds accreditations by both AACSB and EFMD. Our mission is to become a prestigious higher education institution in the area of economic and business sciences in South East Europe region by 2025

5 SEBS Facts and Figures Total no. of students BA/MA (2016/2017)
2.662 / 1.078 First time enrolled 660 per year Graduate students (MA level) 250 per year Doctoral students 35 per year Four locations m2 Classes / amphitheatres 27 / 2 9 Departments 90 teachers TOTAL ( ) Total number of graduates / BA 20.267 Total number of Master degrees 2.227 Total number of of Phd degrees 240 Scientific areas 11

6 Bologna principles 3+2+3 Departments in Bosnian language:
Economics Management Applied Business School Departments in English language: Management – EPAS Accredited (FM & MM) Sarajevo Business School Full time DL 70% online 30% in-class 70% in-class 30% online

7 Bologna principles 3+2+3 Departments in Bosnian language:
Economics Management Studies with partners Departments in English language: Management – FM & M Full time DL 70% online 30% in-class 70% in-class 30% online

8 International studies
Adizes School of Management Applied Property Double Degree - Sarajevo Business School Twinning master study EFZG and SEBS Double Degree master study FELU and SEBS Joint master study EFMO and SEBS Joint Master Study with University in Bolton, UK

9 Bologna principles 3+2+3 Departments in Bosnian and in English language: Economics Management PhD DBA

10 SEBS Strategic Goals Focus on Quality and Accreditations (aiming international recognition) Focus on Internationalization

11 Accreditations pathway
2005 Member of EFMD 2007 Member of AACSB 2009 ISO 9001:2008 2011 AQA accreditation 2012 EPAS accreditation 2015 EPAS reaccreditation AACSB accreditation 2017 ...

12 Bilateral General Agreements
Letter of Intent; Matching Requirement List; Fact Sheet; General Agreement and Addendums...


14 ERASMUS+ Programme and Partner countries Application for host NCO’s
Inter-institutional Agreements (ICM – staff & students) Learning Agreements (Vice Dean, prof. Silajdzic) Mobility Agreements (Vice Dean, prof. Selimovic) LA and MA for PhD (Vice Dean, prof. Cizmic) Application Calls (Manuals for staff & students) Selection Criteria for students & staff

15 IIA ICM KA 107


17 Manuals for students and staff
Manual for Incoming Students Degree Exchange Manual for Incoming Professors

18 Application calls for staff & students
Teaching mobility Training mobility

19 Selection criteria for staff and students

20 Mobility Agreements STUDENTS: Learning Agreement STAFF:
Staff Mobility for teaching Staff Mobility for training

21 CEEPUS Network SEBS is part of the AMADEUS network, the faculties/universities of Economics/ Management and Business. Process: Application -> Home institution -> Home National Ceepus Office (Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H) -> Host institution -> Host NCO

22 Signed by University of Sarajevo – obligations for SEBS!
MEVLANA Network Signed by University of Sarajevo – obligations for SEBS!

23 Example of SEBS incoming international students and professors (countries)

24 Thank you for your Attention!
IO brings SEBS to the world and the world to the SEBS!

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