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English Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "English Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Civil War

2 James I Approach to power?
What is Parliament’s trump card against the king? What do the Puritans want James I to do with the Anglican Church? Why does he refuse? How much power do the Puritans really have?

3 Charles I Petition of Right?
How did he manage Parliament?/Explain the Ship Tax? Religious Policy? Triennial Act? What eventually starts the Civil War?

4 Civil War Who won the first phase? Why?
Who won the second phase? What happened to Charles I?

5 Cromwell Why didn’t the Commonwealth work?

6 Restoration of the Monarchy
Explain the religious problems of Charles II’s reign? What two political groups form on either side of this issue? And what are their views? What religion is James II? Why is this a problem?

7 Glorious Revolution Why is the Glorious Revolution glorious?
Why did English noblemen initiate this revolution? Who is the new king? What is the Toleration Act and why is it significant?

8 James I (1603-25) Charles I (1625-49) Charles II (1660-85)
Oliver Cromwell ( ), Richard Cromwell ( ) Charles II ( ) James II ( ) William and Mary II ( )

9 Ireland James II tried to rally Ireland as punishment..
Parliament passes Act of Settlement (1701) Only Anglican can inherit throne Catholics could not buy, inherit land from Protestants Could not be elected into Irish Parliament…

10 Acts of Union (1706/1707) United Scotland and England
Ireland to come later

11 Growth of Constitutional Government
England was a limited constitutional monarchy (no single written constitution) Cabinet ministers from the party that held the majority of seats in parliament each minister responsible for a department of government Prime Minister head of the cabinet, advisor to king

12 Writing Assignment Take out a loose leaf piece of paper and two different color writing utensils.

13 Was the English Civil War a political or religious conflict? Explain.
Directions: On a loose leaf piece of paper, answer this question (using specifics from the text) in ONE paragraph: Was the English Civil War a political or religious conflict? Explain. Be sure you explain, and do not just repeat yourself/the evidence, come up with a thesis as the first sentence in your paragraph and then support it. Use (Spielvogel) as an in-text citation if you choose to use direct quotes. Under your paragraph in a different color pen, explain how you approached this question. Where did you start? How did you choose your argument? What is strong about your response? At your table group discuss the question and your approach. Why did you choose the side that you did?

14 Under your notes in red pen, write a second paragraph that answers the question again but from the opposite view of your first paragraph. Was the English Civil War a political or religious conflict? Explain. if you argued “political” above, now argue “religous” Table group discussion: Which side of the argument is strong? Why? Why did you choose one side or the other to start? Was your first choice the strongest answer? Include a written response in the second color pen below your second paragraph.

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