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Medieval Period Ca 900-1500.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Period Ca 900-1500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Period Ca

2 Also known as… Middle Ages Dark Ages Birth of an Idea

3 Black Death Plague Also known as the Bubonic Plague
Claimed 30% of the population

4 Catholic Church The Catholic Church was the most powerful institution
People were forced to tithe 10% of their income to the Church The Church was tax exempt Charlemagne was “Emperor of the Romans” 1st time there was power since the fall of the Roman Empire centuries prior His realm became known as the Holy Roman Empire

5 Rise of islam After Muhammad’s death, Muslim armies conquered much of the Middle East At the height of its power during this time, the Medieval Islamic world was more than 3xs larger than the Christian world

6 Crusades Military expeditions by Catholics to expel Muslim infidels from the Holy Land. Crusaders believed they would be forgiven of their sins and guaranteed eternal life in Heaven because of their service. Crusaders received papal protection of property and forgiveness of some debt. No one ‘won’ the crusades.

7 Art and architecture Grand Cathedrals and monasteries were built to show devotion to the Church. Romanesque Style Lessay Abbey, Normandy, France.[ Gothic Style - Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London

8 Another French gothic church…
Where is this??? But it has Irish roots!!!

9 Economics and society Feudalism = King grants large parcels of land (fiefs) to noblemen and bishops Landless peasants (serfs) did the work in exchange for a place to live. Eventually heavy plows and 3-field crop rotation made farming more efficient. More people moved to cities. Crusades expanded trade routes to the East Allowed for trade possibilities

10 Music Prior to 900 musical notation was in the form of neumes and other symbols indicating general pitch and rhythm. By the 11th century a somewhat standardized system of notation had developed. Genres include: * monophonic chants * laude * polyphonic Mass movements * Mass cycles * Motets * Songs of troubadours and trouveres * Ballades * Rondeaux

11 Chant Also called plainchant or plainsong
Monophonic liturgical music of the Christian Church Pope Gregory Ordinary and Propers Nearly all compositional during this period took place in France and Italy. Monophony in Italy Polyphony in France Most composers lived in one of the two countries

12 Medieval Composers Hildegard von Bingen Guillaume de Machaut
John Dunstable Composition of monophonic plainsong separate from Gregorian liturgical chant Poet-composer whose work is mainly polytextual Infused British characteristics

13 Listening Hildegard von Bingen Guillaume de Machaut John Dunstable
O viridissima virga (in praise of Mary) GnIHZg O virtus sapientiae (in praise of wisdom) CRthK78 O rubor sanguinis (in praise of Mary) hCctbU De souspirant cuer dolent– ATT voices rS4TWZeg Ha! Fortune – ATB voices 4xW8gRZs Helas! Ou sera pris confors– SAT voices nnlw2OtY Quam pulchra es – ATB voices QjdEbZH2wI Speciosa facta es – STT voices _APO_1yyK8 Ave maris stella - STT voices pDO0FbiKoE

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