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EPaCCs Jeannie Hayhurst June 13th 2018

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1 EPaCCs Jeannie Hayhurst June 13th 2018

2 Goal of EPaCCs ……….to create a system that was capable of sharing palliative care information between health providers to ensure that patients always had the right care in the right place no matter what route they took into the health system, be it through A&E, 999, out of hours or their GP.

3 EMIS resources to support EPaCCs
EMIS Web EPaCCs clinical data entry template “Palliative Care Co-ordination (EPaCCs) - version 35” EMIS Community version DQ Care-Co-ordination Note Template - Notification to Primary Care OOHs of palliative care plan in place  - 9e0

4 DQ Care Co-ordination Note template

5 Location of data entry template








13 Read Code Using the code 9Nu6* (EMIS) will flag the patient’s End of Life Care status to other organisations that have access to the EPaCCS record (currently GP Practices, NWAS, FCMS (out of hours), and BTH)

14 Not just cancer patients!
All End of Life patients Those with LTC e.g. HF, COPD Patients with ICDs Patients in Nursing Homes (deemed to be in the last 2 years of their life)

15 Care Co-ordination Pathway – New Patients
FCMS Primary Care Neighbourhood Care Teams ECS or Trinity Hospice To send Information regarding the patients in the defined groups below to FCMS Care Co-ordination Team Complete the Care Co-ordination Template (and EPaCCS template if EPaCCS Pt) on EMIS, indicating which of the defined group the patient is in: End of life patient EPaCCS Care Co-ordination Note Other (Special Patient Notes ) (Template 1). Create the Care Co-ordination notification form and to FCMS (Form 1). GP Practice to send letter to patient (Letter 1). Withdrawal of Care Co-ordination Note If a patient needs to be withdrawn from the service Primary Care, Neighbourhood Care Team , ECS and Trinity should complete Withdrawal of Care Co-ordination Note (Form 2). Defined High Risk Groups - End of life - Severe COPD - Heart Failure - Care home patients - Housebound - Frail Elderly - other clinically appropriate ECS, EPC and Community services to inform Primary care of Care Co-ordination Note, Other Special Patient notes using the above forms. Practice (named person) can be copied into notification form and CC FCMS. NB: For EPaCCS, there is an additional form that should be completed and sent to the GP Practice to update their EPaCCS Record (Form 3).

16 Home Visit form

17 EPaCCs Audit data Dec 17

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