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Epic Shortcuts.

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1 Epic Shortcuts

2 Objectives In this lesson you will learn:
how to use the keyboard shortcuts to speed up data entry/selection. to access Epic Online Help. to use date shortcuts. keyboard shortcuts to access previous patient records, and print from data entry fields.

3 Dates T = Today ( t+1 equals tomorrow’s date )
( t-1 equals yesterday’s date ) W = Week ( w+1 equals the date one week from today ) M = Month ( m+1 equals the date one month from today ) MB = Month Beginning ( mb equals the first day of the current month. ( mb + 1 equals the date one month from the first of this month )

4 Selection Buttons Click in (or Tab to) the field in which you want to make an entry and click the selection button or press F5. Magnify Button- Allows you to select from an available list of possible options Calculator- Brings you to a number pad where you can select numerical data to input. Calendar- Opens up a calendar for correct date entry You can also use completion matching to quickly find your selection. Type in the first few letters that match the selection desired and press the “Tab” key.

5 Access Online Help Press F1 on any data entry field or display form within Epic to see online help. This window will provide help information about Chart Search, Keyboard Shortcuts and Time and Date Entry Shortcuts. Click on the “X” to close this window. Note: Samples of each are displayed to the right of the slide.

6 Patient Recall An Equals sign ( = ) at the patient NAME/ID field within the Patient Lookup window will bring up the last patient accessed.

7 Recent Patients Click on the Recent Patients tab to view the last 25 patient records you viewed.

8 Keyboard Shortcuts The Ctrl key plus the number key will open up toolbar options. When the mouse hovers over a menu button the shortcut will display. The shortcuts here are based on the order your toolbar displays (based on security). Ctrl+1 Opens the Patient Lookup Window for Appointments Ctrl+2 Opens the View Schedules Window Ctrl+3 Opens the Arrival List Report Ctrl+4 Opens the Department Appointments Report Ctrl+5 Opens the Staff Daily Report Ctrl+6 Opens the Wait List Report Ctrl+7 Opens the Confirm Appointments Report Ctrl+8 Opens the Reschedule Appointments Report Ctrl+9 Opens the Patient Lookup Window for Registration Ctrl+P Opens the Print options for the active screen Ctrl+Tab Allows you to move from one workspace to another workspace without the mouse.

9 Switching Between Applications
Press Alt and Tab key to display the active applications window. Pressing the Tab key will move the focus to the different applications. Once the buttons are released, the selected application will display.

10 Epic Shortcuts – Switching Between Patient Forms
Other ways to navigate within this record include: Using Alt+Up/Down Arrow, Alt+B for back upward or Alt+N for next down Clicking the Back or Forward arrows Clicking on the actual form Clicking on the Back and Next buttons

11 Printing The Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut allows you to print without having to click on the Print menu command. This shortcut only works if the Print option is enabled on that screen.

12 Continue to Next Chapter
End Of Chapter 11 Continue to Next Chapter

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