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Posting Geometric Observation

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1 Posting Geometric Observation
The ABC Method Tr = Truncation Tp = Toplap C = Concordant On = Onlap Dn = Downlap C = Concordant A - B C p = parallel m = mounded ob = oblique progradation sub = subparallel w = wavy sig = sigmoid progradation div = divergent rf = reflection free sh = shingled SLIDE 5 We need a method to make geometric observations and post them on a map before we can make predictions The method we use is called the ABC method Although it looks like a formula, it is more a template for recording observations The A term is the type of termination pattern at the top of the sequence erosional truncation, toplap, or concordance, i.e., no terminations The B term is the type of termination pattern at the base of the sequence onlap, downlap, or concordance, i.e., no terminations The C term is the internal reflection pattern, e.g., parallel The next few slides show some common internal reflection patterns A way to remember the code is to think: A = Above; B = Below; C = Center A = Termination Pattern at the Upper Sequence Boundary B = Termination Pattern at the Lower Sequence Boundary C = Internal Reflection Pattern Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 11 – Stratigraphic Analysis

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