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Financing Natura 2000 in the next MFF

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1 Financing Natura 2000 in the next MFF
Natura 2000 Management Group Meeting Brussels, 27 November 2012

2 Developments regarding financing Natura 2000
Commission Staff Working Paper on financing Natura 2000 ( SEC(2011) 1573 final); Commission proposals for the sectoral funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF, LIFE) – opportunities for financing N2000; PAF format adopted at the Habitats Committee in April; MS requested to submit PAFs by the end of this year; Multiannual Financial Framework negotiations still on-going – final oucome still unknown.


4 Structural funds and the Cohesion Fund
Thematic and geographic scope to be maintained; Particular importance in less developed regions; but opportunities also in more developed regions; Dedicated thematic objective (TO no. 6) for environment but need to look for synergies with other TOs (particularly climate change mitigation and adaptati; support for SMEs etc.); Risk – important earmarking for other TOs.



7 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
Greening 1st pillar – 30% mandatory measures; EAFRD under 2nd pillar to support public goods delivered by Natura 2000; Compensation for specific mandatory requirements in management plans or equivalent instruments; Also agri-environment-climate and forest-environment payments to support Natura 2000; Goal – 25% of RDPs for agri-env measures; Discussion in the Council and the EP going in the direction of watering down greening.

8 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Stronger focus on ecosystem based management of fisheries; Support management, restoration and monitoring of Natura 2000; Explicit recognition of PAFs; Allow compensation to promote aquaculture methods compatible with Natura 2000 protection; EMFF discussions linked to the reform of CFP (delayed achievement of MSY);

9 LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action
Proposed budget of €3.6 billion; "Biodiversity" strand: development of best practices; focus on supporting Natura 2000 sites, especially via integrated projects consistent with Prioritised Action Frameworks; To lever other EU and domestic funds through promotion of a more programmatic approach particularly via „integrated projects".

10 Key challenges Adopt the MFF package with sufficient opportunities for Natura 2000; MS to submit PAFs by the end of this year; Need to ensure recognition of Natura 2000 financing and PAFs in the strategic programming documents: partnership agreements and OPs; Stregthen awarness about benefits of the Natura 2000 network; Identify and tap into synergies with other funding priorities (e.g. climate change adaptation, risk prevention, SMEs etc.); PAFs as foundation for LIFE integrated projects.

11 DG ENV, MS and stakeholders working together for a successful outcome
Some MS and regions using LIFE funds to preapre PAFs; New contract: Improving uptake of funds for Natura 2000 (updated guide, methodology toolkit, seminars in the MS); Working group on biodiversity ENEA-MA; List of projects co-financed so far: Publications from NGOs.

12 For more information, please consult:
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