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SAN conference, 17th April 2015

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1 SAN conference, 17th April 2015
Alison Page, Chief Executive, Salford CVS

2 Social Value in Salford
Established a Salford social value partnership in 2013 Pilot area for the Health & Social Value Programme (SEUK/IVAR) – DoH funded Key partners include Salford Council, University of Salford, NHS Salford CCG, City West Housing Trust, Salford Royal, voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, Salford CVS

3 Social Value in Salford
A social value CHARTER – a statement of principles A BE SOCIAL IN SALFORD pledge – a simple commitment towards acting in a manner which is socially, environmentally and economically aware A social value TOOLKIT - a practical set of tools for commissioners, procurement officers, contract managers and providers in Salford


5 CHARTER : Social value in Salford
SOCIAL IN SALFORD – PLEDGE I ………………………………………… (name) of …………………..………………………………..(organisation) pledge to be Social In Salford by implementing the principles of the social value charter: optimising the social, environmental and economic well-being of Salford and its people in everything that we do thinking long-term – turning investment into long-lasting outcomes working together across sectors to provide social value outcomes having values including inclusion, openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others having a clear and current understanding of how social value can make Salford a better place to live working together to measure, evaluate and understand social value, as well as reporting publicly to the people of Salford about the social value that we create and working towards a Salford where consideration of: Happiness ✿ Wellbeing ✿ Health ✿ Inclusion ✿ Empowerment ✿ Poverty ✿Environment is an integral part of how we do business. We will strive to deliver WELLBEING and GROWTH in our City through a social value approach. In 2015, my organisation will deliver social value through ………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6 We want partners to… Embed Social Value Deliver Social Value
Demonstrate Social Value Social in Salford

7 Salford CVS’ role Contributing to the partnership’s work
Facilitating third sector participation Helping organise meetings and events Delivering a programme of training and support – so Salford groups can demonstrate the difference they make Working with SAN colleagues to deliver Social Accounting training in Salford on a regular basis to third sector organisations Employing a Social Value Development Worker to practically help a number of third sector organisations to establish systems - so they are able to embed, deliver and demonstrate their social value Helping some organisations to produce social accounts going forward

8 But…


10 Message one “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted”


12 Message two “Deeds not words”


14 “Live like you’re in a canoe”
Message three “Live like you’re in a canoe”

15 I’m no expert… But I’m happy to discuss / answer questions

16 Alison Page Chief Executive Salford CVS 0161 787 7795

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