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Skeletal tissues Classification and functions

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal tissues Classification and functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal tissues Classification and functions
Chondroid tissue cells, inter-cellular substance Histogenesis of cartilages Cartilages: a) hyaline; b) elastic; c) fibrocartilage 5. Bony tissue cells, intercellular substance 6. Fibrous bones 7. Lamellar bones 8. Long bones 9. Osteogenesis

2 Skeletal tissues Chondroid tissue Bony tissue Hyaline Elastic
Fibrocartilage Bony tissue Fibrous bone Lamellar bone: a) cancellous b) compact

3 Functions 1. Supportive 2. Mechanical 3. Protective
4. Ca and P deposition 5. Water-mineral metabolism

4 Chondroid tissue Cells + intercellular substance (chondromucoid, chondrine fibers) 1. Has no vessels 2. Intercellular components are predominant 3. Chondromucoid 70-80 % H2O 10-15 % org. 4-7 % mineral 4. Chondrine fibers Collagen II Elastic

5 Chondroid tissue differon
I Stem cell II Hemistem cells III Chondroblasts IV Chondrocytes Chondroclasts

6 Differon stem cell hemistem cell chondroblasts chondrocytes

7 Cartilage

8 Hyaline cartilage

9 Elastic cartilage Resorcin stain

10 Fibrocartilage

11 Bony tissue cells + matrix (osteoid+ossein fibers+salts)
Supports fleshy structures Protects organs Harbors the bone marrow Storage of Ca and P Multiply the forces of skeletal muscle contraction

12 Osteocyte


14 Osteoclast

15 Bones 1. Fibrous 2. Lamellar (compact and cancellous)

16 Diaphysis

17 Haversian system



20 Histogenesis 1. Intramembranous 2. Endochondral

21 1. Osteogenic islet 2. Osteoid stage 3. Salts impregnation 4
1. Osteogenic islet 2. Osteoid stage 3. Salts impregnation 4. Replacement by lamellar bone

22 Endochondral histogenesis

23 Endochondral ossification
1. Cartilage model 2. Perichondral ossification 3. Endochondral ossification 4. Epiphyseal ossification


25 Epiphyseal plate

26 Regeneration

27 Joint

28 Joint

29 Regulation

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