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ESF in the Czech Republic

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1 ESF Implementation in the Czech Republic Technical Working Group, May 2004

2 ESF in the Czech Republic
Human Resource Development Operational Programme (HRD OP) Single Programming Document for Objective 3 Region NUTS II Prague (SPD 3) CIP EQUAL Joint Regional Operational Programme (JROP) – multifund (ESF + ERDF)

3 ESF in the Czech Republic
Financial Framework (in EUR) ESF National Co-financing Total Cost HRD OP 318,8 103,6 422,4 SPD 3 58,8 117,6 CIP Equal 32,1 11,8 43,9 JROP - 2 measures 47,3 23,9 71,2 457,0 198,1 655,1

4 OP HRD priority axis Human Resources Development of the National Development Plan / CSF Represents cca 22% of Obj. 1 Programmes (CSF: 5 programmes in total) sets down the priorities and measures in the human resources development sector in the CR Objective 1 regions (consistent with the European Employment Strategy)

5 OP HRD Priority 1: Active Employment Policy (32,2%)
Measure Strengthening the Active Employment Policy for Job Seekers and Job Applicants Measure Public Employment Service Modernisation

6 OP HRD Priority 2: Social Integration and Equal Opportunities (13,4%)
Measure Integration of Specific Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion (co-financed 80% ESF, 20% national) Measure Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Labour Market

7 OP HRD Prioriry 3: Lifelong Learning Development (33,8%)
Measure Enhancing the Quality of Education at Schools and School Facilities and Development of Supportive Systems in Education Measure Promoting Tertiary Education, Research and Development Measure Further Vocational Training Development

8 OP HRD Priority 4: Adaptability and Entrepreneurship (15,8%)
Measure Increasing Adaptability of Employers and Employees to Economic and Technological Changes; Promoting Competitiveness Measure Specific Education

9 ESF in the Czech Republic
Institutional Framework Managing Authorities Paying Authority – Paying Units Intermediate Bodies Final Beneficiaries Sample Check Bodies Internal Audit Units Winding up Body Monitoring Committees

10 ESF in the Czech Republic
Financial Framework – ESF contribution relates to total public expenditure National Co-financing: mainly state budget, in SPD 3 and JROP also regional and local budgets Financial Flows: pre-financing from the state budget (in major part of the Programmes)

11 ESF in the Czech Republic
Main Challenges at present: Parallel launching of Phare-financed schemes (launched in April 2004); EDIS accredition Completion of all documents necessary for launching the ESF-financed programmes (May; June) and training of staff External Audit (Systems and Compliance) hired by Paying Authority Project Pipeline (support by Absorption Capacity Project financed by Phare) Publicity – Communication Action Plan

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