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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

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1 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Mechanical Engineering Dynamics ME 201 BY Dr. Meyassar N. Al-Haddad Lecture # 12

2 Rectangular Coordinates

3 Normal and Tangential Coordinates For circular path and y = f (x) problems
Change in magnitude of velocity Change in velocity’s direction

4 Free-Body Diagram = tan-1(dy/dx) n an q n Ff at t mg FN
Select the object Establish n, t, b coordinate system Set an always acts in the positive n direction Assume at acts in the positive t Set W = mg always acts in a vertical direction–downward Set normal force FN along normal line Set frictional force Ff opposite to t direction = tan-1(dy/dx) n an q n Ff at FN t mg

5 Review Example 13-6 Example 13-7 Example 13-8 Example 13-9

6 Problem 13.8 v = 65 ft/s aA = ? NA=? smooth slope W = 150 lb

7 Problem 13.68 m = 30kg T = ? At 0 degree

8 Problem 13-80 w =5 lb k =10 lb/ft unstretched length of 3m, N & a = ?


10 Thank You

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