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Fiction Unit NAB Preparation

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1 Fiction Unit NAB Preparation
The Untouchables Fiction Unit NAB Preparation

2 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
The following is merely one possible way of successfully completing the assessment. The Untouchables - NAB Prep

3 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
Question: Explain the use of Categories, Narrative, Institutions and Technology in Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables. The Untouchables - NAB Prep

4 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
Para 1: Introduction The Untouchables – Brian de Palma – 1987 Paramount Pictures makes use of Categories, Narrative and Technology To have a wide appeal and, in particular, attract an American audience The Untouchables - NAB Prep

5 Para 2: Categories - Purpose
Topic Sentence: The categories employed were appropriate to the needs of the Institution and the target audience. Purpose Profit – spent $25 million recouped $75 million on American cinema release alone – Worldwide release and video sales meant huge box office success; DVD re-release means it is still making money 20 years later – Paramount owned the rights to the TV series therefore didn’t have to spend more money on legal permissions and copyright Made profit by entertaining audience – explain how The Untouchables - NAB Prep

6 Para 3: Categories - Genre
Topic Sentence: state how selection of genre was key to entertaining audience and thereby making profit Discuss the main genre markers of the gangster film – give examples from The Untouchables Discuss De Palma’s need for an established genre star and the ensuing obstacles to getting De Niro Discuss the violence and give reasons as to why this stopped those younger than 15 watching it (BBFC) The Untouchables - NAB Prep

7 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
Para 4: Narrative Topic Sentence: state how narrative structure and conventions were designed to satisfy the audience and therefore give the film more of a chance of being financially successful. Binary Opposites – Ness & Capone – Baseball Bat sequence Setting Character Interaction Use of Camera Give examples of each, stating denotation and explaining connotation The Untouchables - NAB Prep

8 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
Para 4: Narrative cont… Classical Narrative Structure (order/disorder/order restored) Describe how the Untouchables conforms to this Narrative is Western rather than Gangster – explain why (Audience) Character role of villain split into two – explain why At climax when Nitti is pushed, Bluescreen is used – explain why The Untouchables - NAB Prep

9 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
Para 5: Conclusion Sum up your main points The Untouchables - NAB Prep

10 The Untouchables - NAB Prep
General Advice Remember to write this essay as if your reader does not know the film very well Therefore, you will have to describe (denotation) in enough detail for she/he to understand the points you are making Don’t just make bald statements Support all your points with evidence from the film Your essay is supposed to be an EXPLANATION, hence, you need to explain HOW The Untouchables - NAB Prep

11 The Untouchables - NAB Prep

12 The Untouchables - NAB Prep

13 The Untouchables - NAB Prep

14 The Untouchables - NAB Prep

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