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November Liaison Report

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1 November 802.19 Liaison Report
October 2006 doc.: IEEE /1560r1 November 2010 November Liaison Report Date: Authors: Eldad Perahia (Intel) Matthew Fischer (Broadcom)

2 Abstract November 802.19 liaison report November 2010 October 2006
doc.: IEEE /1560r1 November 2010 Abstract November liaison report Eldad Perahia (Intel) Matthew Fischer (Broadcom)

3 802.19 November Meeting Plan Proposals on TVWS Coexistence (802.19.1)
Joint 11/18/19/22 Meeting – Wed 8am Discussion on update to TVWS regulations CA Documents Eldad Perahia (Intel)

4 Ballots on CA Documents
November 2010 Ballots on CA Documents Letter Ballot CA Document Comments LB11 802.11ad Yes LB12 i No LB13 g LB14 e 11ad Comment: While the group did a nice of explaining the coexistence mechanisms present in ad, and it appears that those mechanisms improved upon prior mechanisms, the did not "demonstrate Coexistence" as I would interpret the P&P. Proposed Change The WG should provide some metrics that actually measure (via analysis, simulation, or experiment) the level of coexistence achieved. Ideally benchmarks should be provided (but are not actually required that I can see). Eldad Perahia (Intel)

5 802.19.1 (TVWS Coexistence) Conference Calls
November 2010 (TVWS Coexistence) Conference Calls 20-Oct-2010 On the new FCC second order memorandum opinion and order with regard to TVWS, Yohannes A, (19-10/141R0). TG1 Possible Effects of FCC rules to design ,T. Baykas, (19-10/142R0) 27-Oct-2010 FCC rules and design, Chen Sun, (19-10/144R0) 3-Nov-2010 Interfacing the White Space Database, Jesse Caulfield, (19-10/151R0) Eldad Perahia (Intel)

6 Proposals on 802.19.1 (TVWS Coexistence)
November 2010 Proposals on (TVWS Coexistence) Primary Author Title Doc number. Päivi Ruuska (Nokia) Proposal on coexistence system services and protocols 19-10/156 Ivan Reede (AmeriSys Inc) Proposal_for_ coexistence draft, Part I 19-10/111r3 Jihyun Lee (LGE) TVWS coexistence procedures and protocols 19-10/147r0 Hyunduk Kang (ETRI) System description and reference model proposal 19-10/113 Junyi Wang (NICT) Procedures and protocols 19-10/148r1 Joe Kwak (Interdigital) Coexistence System Proposal 19-10/146r0 Ryo Sawai (Sony) Coexistence mechanism and its algorithm 19-10/145r0 Eldad Perahia (Intel)

7 Technical Contributions
November 2010 Technical Contributions Primary Author Title Doc number. Alex Reznik Device Security Standards Overview 19-10/152r0 Mark Cummings Perspectives on Architecture for IEEE Eldad Perahia (Intel)

8 November 2010 Agenda Eldad Perahia (Intel)

9 November 2010 References Eldad Perahia (Intel)

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