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Performing speeches Date:

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1 Performing speeches Date:
Objectives Practise our oratory or public speaking skills. Emphasise the music-like quality that speeches should have. Warm-up before we start: What advice would you give, for example, a first year were he to give a speech in front of the class. Write down some bullet points and share them then.

2 Before giving speech – some advice.
Biology – the diaphragm opens up when you’re back is straight and you’re head is up. Looking confident actually makes you speak better.

3 Before giving speech – some advice.
Getting nervous doesn’t help. Take a breath, think of something funny and relax. You’re instincts shall be to rush through it as fast as possible. Fight this.

4 Before giving speech – some advice.
Whatever bad thing you imagine could happen, no one will remember it tomorrow. We’re all egotistical and selfish in that way.

5 Checklist Each of you have a page with a checklist. Would you place a mark beside the word if it appears in a students speech and, if able, note what he said when you marked it. Keep this sheet then as a checklist for yourself to use.

6 Homework: Research one fact online to put into your speech.
Practise saying your speech aloud. Best way to research – Google the question you’re asking. Are exams necessary, are exams bad? Some news site somewhere has statistics proving whatever you ask. Tomorrow, we’ll do a warm-up, take down a few notes on how to speak with a flow and then give those speeches.

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