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Forage crop management

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1 Forage crop management
End of semester stew

2 For each of the following questions:
Correctly answer the question: Write a paragraph response to your answer. Questions are due tomorrow at 1 pm. Please include the question and response in your answer – needs to be word processed

3 Question 1 Why is it not recommended to seed alfalfa directly into an old alfalfa stand? Resource: L:\Student\Dairy Comp\Forage Crop Management\b-1047.pdf

4 Question 2 What is the most practical method of preventing alfalfa diseases? Resource:

5 Question 3 Which legume has the most seedling vigor? Explain Seedling Vigor? Resource:

6 Question 4 What can be done in the fall to determine if an alfalfa field should be rotated to another crop? Resource:L:\Student\Dairy Comp\Forage Crop Management\a3620.pdf

7 Question 5 At what stages will grasses give the highest forage quality? Resource: Page 14 and 15: L:\Student\Dairy Comp\Forage Crop Management\FQ.pdf

8 Question 6 What is the recommended timing of top dressing fertilizer on established forage stands? Resource: Page 14 and 15: Fertility-Manure-Management/When-and-Why-Top-Dress-Fertilize-Alfalfa.aspx

9 Question 7 Which are some additives for silage and what is the purpose? Resource:

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