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Spanish Civil War 1936-1939.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Civil War 1936-1939."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Civil War

2 Opposing Sides -Republicans (the existing government)
-those loyal to the established Republic urban workers, agricultural labourers, educated middle class Communists Socialists USSR International Brigades (volunteers from allied countries such as Britain, U.S., Canada) -Nationalists (rebels) -General Fransisco Franco -Italy & Germany

3 Bombing of Geurnica Aerial attack on the Basque town of Geurnica by German Luftwaffe (Concorde division) The bombing is considered one of the first raids in the history of modern military aviation on a defenseless civilian population 1,654 people killed (according to Basque government) – the numbers are disputed





8 Guernica, Pablo Picasso, 1937

9 Symbolism Bull = brutality of German Luftwaffe Horse = savagely wounded land of Spain Lamp = conscience of humankind Torn bodies and agonised faces = the horrors of war

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