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Ch. 16: World War II Looms.

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1 Ch. 16: World War II Looms

2 LG: Analyze why the United States try to stay neutral, but still enter WWII?

3 Chapter 16.1: Dictators Threaten World Peace

4 1. World Conditions After WWI
(1918) Treaty of Versailles: i. Extremely harsh on Germany. ii. “Unfair” to Italy. iii. Regarded Japan as 2nd rate. iv. Took away Russian land. B. (1929) World economic depression. i. New democracies from WWI were destabilized worldwide.


6 2. Rise of “Dictatorships”
A. New “fashionable” form of government emerges: i. Fascism: - Fascist states just CONTROL everything; communists states OWN & CONTROL. - Aggressive nationalism with dictator. - Build up military and EXPAND territory.



9 ***E-Cownomics Capitalism You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Communism You have two cows. You give them to the Government, and the Government then gives you some milk. Fascism You have two cows. The government takes them and sells you the milk. Dictatorship You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you. Militarism You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you into the military.

10 3. Who, When, What, Where. a. Benito Mussolini1922 FascistItaly b
3. Who, When, What, Where!?!?!?! a. Benito Mussolini1922 FascistItaly b. Joseph Stalin1926 Communist DictatorUSSR

11 c. Hideki Tojo & Militarists1931 Militaristic Dictator Japan d
c.. Hideki Tojo & Militarists1931 Militaristic Dictator Japan d. Adolf Hitler1933FascistGermany

12 E. Francisco Franco1939FascistSpain








20 4. League of Nations is Challenged
Pg A. How did the LoN react to the following: i. Japan invading Manchuria: ii. German military build-up and the Rhineland: iii. Italy invading Ethiopia: B. Who made-up the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and why did they form?

21 Japan Invades Manchuria in 1931




25 Italy Invades Ethiopia in 1935

26 “It is us today, but it will be you tomorrow
“It is us today, but it will be you tomorrow.” - Ethiopian leader, Haile Selassie

27 Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Challenges US

28 Picasso’s Guernica 1st Time Civilians are the Main Targets of a Bombing

29 5. America Turns to Neutrality
1934, The Nye Committee: i. Showed the profits arms factories & banks made during WWI; public OUTRAGED at “death merchants”.

30 B. Legislating Isolationism and Neutrality:
i. Isolationism RISES! - Avoiding international commitments that might drag the US into war… again. ii. Congress passes Neutrality Acts. - Keep US out of war. iii. America First committee forms. -VERY pro-isolationalist.

31 6. Appeasing Aggression? A. Hitler expands Germany’s “Lebensraum” in i. Austria: Hitler forces union of the two. ii. Czechoslovakia: Hitler wants German speaking Sudetenland. - Hitler, “my last territorial demand.”


33 What to do with Hitler??? France Great Britain

34 ***French and British Things to Consider
Arms Reduction Treaties Depression = Less Funding for Militaries Lost Millions of Men (France’s “Lost Generation”) Bad Taste of War Intimidated by German Military

35 CLASS VOTE Given what you have just heard about appeasement, do you think it is an appropriate approach in dealing with Hitler?


37 i. Appeasement: A policy of giving concessions in exchange for peace.
B. Hitler is Appeased! i. Appeasement: A policy of giving concessions in exchange for peace.

38 War Avoided??????? Hopefully???? Maybe????

39 US Military in Play at 42:00

40 ii. 1938: Public/Isolationism > FDR/Internationalism - FDR works with Isolationists for now. iii. December 7, 1941: - Japan attacks the US Pearl Harbor ***“It is a terrible to thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead– and find no one there.”

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