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Live Webinar: "CEF eDelivery - What's In It For You?"

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Presentation on theme: "Live Webinar: "CEF eDelivery - What's In It For You?""— Presentation transcript:

1 Live Webinar: "CEF eDelivery - What's In It For You?"
26 July 2016 #CEFeDelivery

2 Agenda 1000 Introduction 1010 Introduction to CEF eDelivery
Thomas Fillis – DIGIT 1010 Introduction to CEF eDelivery Adrien Ferial – DIGIT 1020 Adoption of CEF eDelivery Joao Rodrigues Frade – DIGIT 1040 Calls for Proposals (grant funding) Kara Baptista – INEA 1100 Twitter Q&A Use #CEFeDelivery End

3 Introduction Thomas Fillis – DIGIT

4 Benefits with an impact
PROBLEM Europeans often face barriers when using online tools and services At present, markets are largely domestic in terms of online services Only 7% of EU small- and medium-sized businesses sell cross-border SOLUTION Maximise economic potential, growth/jobs – anticipated to be 415€ billion to EU economy This includes common EU data protection, copyright rules, boosting digital skills, accessible online content …and Cross-border Digital Public services (CEF Digital) 10 TOP PRIORITIES OF THE EC Jobs, growth and investments Digital Single Market Energy Union and Climate Internal market A deeper and fairer economic and monetary union A balanced EU-US free trade agreement Justice and fundamental rights Migration A stronger global actor Democratic change __________ For more information see also the DSM page on the Europa webiste and the DSM roadmap

5 Service Infrastructures
What is CEF The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a regulation that defines how the EU Commission can finance support for the establishment of trans-European networks to reinforce an interconnected Europe. CEF TRANSPORT €26.25bn HOW IS IT REGULATED? eIDAS regulation Provides a predictable regulatory environment to enable secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities, underpinning the CEF DSI. Digital Service Infrastructures €970 m * TELECOM eGovernment Action Plan The Commission will lead by example and adopt the CEF DSI as an early adopter. This has been stipulated in the Commission's latest eGov Action Plan. ENERGY €5.85bn Broadband €170 m * m Juncker Package

6 How it started: a joint effort
PILOTING SCALING UP SUSTAINING REGULATORY EU Legislation e.g. eIDAS DEMAND CREATION CEF Work Programmes eGovernment Action Plan DSM Catalogue of Standards SUPPLY CREATION Grants (subsidies) STORK PEPPOL SPOCS epSOS eCODEX e-SENS 2014 2020

7 Financial instruments - how they work

8 Financial instruments - Grants: CEF Telecom calls (2016)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TRANS-EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY NETWORKS WORK PROGRAMME 201X TRANS-EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY NETWORKS WORK PROGRAMME 201X TRANS-EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONNECTING EUROPE FACILITY NETWORKS WORK PROGRAMME 201X Grants are and will be made available every year Grants for eDelivery are also embedded in other CEF Digital grants (e.g. for eInvoicing) Total Funding ... € 86.5 M € 85.2 M € M example Digital Service Infrastructure Core Service Platform Generic Services (Grants)

9 CEF eDelivery is currently re-used by a number of EU projects
Europeana DG CONNECT Safer internet DG CONNECT Public open data DG CONNECT ODR DG SANTE eHealth DG SANTE eProcurement DG GROW eProcurement EESSI DG EMPL EU e-Justice portal DG JUST BRIS (ECP) DG JUST Cybersecurity DG CONNECT eTranslation DG CONNECT eInvoicing DG GROW Commitment to analyse More information on CEF Digital Commitment to reuse CEF Digital dashboard > Reusing

10 Questions? #CEFeDelivery

11 Introduction to CEF eDelivery Adrien Ferial – DIGIT

12 What is eDelivery (static discovery)
Required component Optional component End-to-end Trust CORNER 1 CORNER 4 Trust Domain A Trust Domain B Applications Layer Backend Backend NOTIFY 1 or several 1 or several Connector Connector NOTIFY NOTIFY SUBMIT Messaging and Transport Layer Access Point Access Point DELIVER SEND RECEIVE Cross Domain Trust CORNER 2 CORNER 3 Internet Networking Layer

13 What is eDelivery (dynamic discovery)
Required component Optional component CORNER 1 CORNER 4 Applications Layer Backend Backend NOTIFY 1 or several 1 or several Connector Connector NOTIFY SML NOTIFY SUBMIT DNS Lookup ADD/ UPDATE/ DELETE Messaging and Transport Layer Access Point Access Point DELIVER SEND RECEIVE CORNER 2 CORNER 3 SMP GET METADATA Internet Networking Layer

14 CEF eDelivery Service offering
SOFTWARE OPERATIONS SERVICES STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT SERVICES Sample software maintained by the EC (with documentation) Managed services Testing services Supporting services Onboarding services (for stakeholders) Community management services Access Point (AP) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Connectivity testing Training & Deployment Self-assessment tool (reuse approach) Developers Community Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) Service Metadata Locator (SML) Service Desk Onboarding of new stakeholders Service Metadata Locator (SML) Conformance testing Trust establishment Connector (example) TECHNICAL SPECS OF EU-WIDE INITIATIVES Available Coming soon e-SENS profile of the ebMS3 and AS4 PEPPOL profile of AS2 and SBDH v2.0 Service offering Description (SoD) All services are described in an SoD describing its purpose, the users for which it is for, its benefits and the process to obtain it Service Level Arrangements (SLA) Documents that describe Service Level Targets to be reached when delivering Building Block Services. eLearning, videos, success stories Some services feature multimedia such as eLearnings, instructional videos or success stories to help grasp what the service is about CEF Digital platform CEF eDelivery service offering, and more about the building block, can be found online CEF Digital >

15 Questions? #CEFeDelivery

16 Adoption of CEF eDelivery Joao Rodrigues Frade – DIGIT

17 Adoption of eDelivery CEF Work Programme 2016
To promote the uptake and speed up the use of the eDelivery DSI amongst both public and private entities established in the EU and EEA countries participating in the CEF Telecom programme, Generic Services will be supported through grants under the budget. Deploy access points and/or operate access points for one year Deploy Service Metadata Publishers and/or operate Service Metadata Publishers for one year Upgrade data exchange solutions (Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS), Open- Source Software (OSS) and other to support, and therefore fully comply with, the CEF eDelivery standards Policy officers IT architects OBJECTIVES ACTORS Service providers Software vendors

18 Deploying CEF eDelivery
APPLYING FOR GRANTS (optional) USING GRANTS Policy officers Service providers IT architects Software vendors ACTORS UNDERSTAND the eDelivery technical specs SELECT the architecture of the eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure SELECT the software solutions of the Messaging Infrastructure DEPLOY the eDelivery software solution INTEGRATE with partners OPERATE the eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure ACTIVITY Your requirements are identified Your eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure is designed Your software and those of the other participants are selected Your software is operational Participants are operational eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure is fully operational OUTPUT * SOD: Service Offering Description COD: Component Offering Description CALL FOR GRANTS DEADLINE

19 Deploying CEF eDelivery
APPLYING FOR GRANTS (optional) USING GRANTS Policy officers Service providers IT architects Software vendors ACTORS UNDERSTAND the eDelivery technical specs SELECT the architecture of the eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure SELECT the software solutions of the Messaging Infrastructure DEPLOY the eDelivery software solution INTEGRATE with partners OPERATE the eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure ACTIVITY Your requirements are identified Your eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure is designed Your software and those of the other participants are selected Your software is operational Participants are operational eDelivery Messaging Infrastructure is fully operational OUTPUT Technical Specifications Documentation (COD, SOD, …* ) List of Software solutions Service Desk Connectivity Testing Service Desk Services of the eDelivery Core Service Platform Onboarding of new stakeholders SML Service Training and deployment CEF eDelivery Community Self-Assessment tool PKI Service * SOD: Service Offering Description COD: Component Offering Description CALL FOR GRANTS DEADLINE

20 Conforming to CEF eDelivery specifications
APPLYING FOR GRANTS (optional) USING GRANTS Software vendors Service providers ACTORS UNDERSTAND the eDelivery technical specs PREPARE to upgrade existing solutions UPGRADE solutions CONFORM to CEF eDelivery specifications ACTIVITY Your requirements are identified The upgrade to your solution is designed The solution implements the e-SENS AS4 profile The solution is conformant with e-SENS AS4 profile OUTPUT CALL FOR GRANTS DEADLINE

21 Conforming to CEF eDelivery specifications
APPLYING FOR GRANTS (optional) USING GRANTS Software vendors Service providers ACTORS UNDERSTAND the eDelivery technical specs PREPARE to upgrade existing solutions UPGRADE solutions CONFORM to CEF eDelivery specifications ACTIVITY Your requirements are identified The upgrade of your solution is designed The solution implements the e-SENS AS4 profile The solution conforms to the e-SENS AS4 profile OUTPUT Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Service Desk Conformance testing Services of the eDelivery Core Service Platform Onboarding of new stakeholders Onboarding of new stakeholders Self-Assessment tool CALL FOR GRANTS DEADLINE

22 Questions? #CEFeDelivery

23 Calls for Proposals (grant funding) Kara Baptista – INEA

24 Content Background on INEA CEF Telecom 2016 calls for proposals
Evaluation process How to apply & tips for a successful proposal

25 Background on INEA

26 Partnership with the Commission
European Commission Defines the policy Defines strategy, objectives and priority areas/work programmes Selects projects for co-financing Makes programme decisions Evaluates the programme and the Agency's performance INEA (Executive Agency) Turns policy into action Organises calls for proposals Monitors the technical and financial implementation of projects Manages project lifecycle Ensures sound financial management

27 INEA's delegated programmes
CEF Transport (incl. Cohesion Fund allocation) CEF Energy CEF Telecom H2020 Transport H2020 Energy Marco Polo legacy from period (previously managed by EACI (EASME)) TEN-T legacy from period Management of some or all of the phases of programme implementation and stages in the project lifecycle

28 Budget managed by INEA Total: €34.1 billion

29 INEA's tasks

30 CEF Telecom 2016 calls

31 How do the calls work? Legal basis: 2016 Annual Work Programme:
CEF Regulation (Regulation No 1316/2013) Telecom Guidelines (Regulation No 283/2014) EU Financial Regulation and Rules of Application 2016 Annual Work Programme: Adopted 3 March (available on eID call page on INEA website) Outlines general CEF Telecom objectives and priorities for actions to be funded in a specific year Specific call: Launched by INEA together with application forms and various guidance documents Outlines all conditions of call

32 2016 CEF Telecom calls Call Indicative budget Launch date Deadline
CEF-TC BRIS EESSI eProcurement €3 million €24.5 million €4.5 million 3 March 2016 19 May 2016 CEF-TC eDelivery eID & eSignature European e-Justice Portal Public Open Data €0.5 million €2 million €3.5 million 12 May 2016 15 September 2016 CEF-TC Automated Translation Cybersecurity eInvoicing Europeana €6.5 million €12 million €7 million 13 September 2016 15 December 2016

33 eDelivery

34 2016-2 eDelivery call: scope
Increase uptake and speed up the use of the eDelivery DSI amongst public and private entities Contribute to the compliance with the requirements set in the eIDAS Regulation to allow their use for the provisioning of electronic registered delivery services, including qualified ones Contribute to the compliance with the requirements set in relation to the deployment and/or operation of access points within other sectorial European Regulations (e.g. eInvoicing, transport, environment, energy, health, public e-procurement, justice). This will be done via the setting up of additional access points and service metadata publishers throughout Europe that link to the EU Core Service Platform

35 2016-2 eDelivery call: expected outcomes
Helping access point and service metadata publishers to enable interoperability between European and national levels - regardless of the standards in use within each of the Member States. Ensuring convenient and secure cross-border transactions by allowing the implementation of interoperable solutions working within the trusted legal framework for electronic registered delivery services provided in the eIDAS Regulation

36 2016-2 eDelivery call: key conditions
Who can apply? One or more Member States + EEA countries (Norway/Iceland) International organisations, joint undertakings, or public or private undertakings or bodies established in Member States - ith the agreement of the Member States/EEA countries concerned Consortium composition: minimum of 4 entities from one or more Member States Co-financing: 75% of the eligible costs of the action Indicative duration: 24 months

37 Call evaluation process


39 Principles for the evaluation and selection process
Basis: eligibility, selection and award criteria of the work programme and the call for proposals Equal treatment: all proposals evaluated against the same criteria; no preferential treatment to any applicant Transparency: adequate feedback to applicants on the outcomes of the evaluation

40 Call publication & application support
Call published in Official Journal and announced on specific call page on INEA website Call texts, Guide for Applicants, application forms prepared by INEA and available on call page at publication Helpdesk operational as of call publication: FAQs made available on call page Virtual Info Day: 3 June 2016

41 Admissibility/Eligibility Committee (INEA)
Checks compliance with admissibility conditions, eligibility and selection criteria Proposal submitted on time, complete, signed by the applicant Applicants demonstrate the support of the concerned Member State and are not in an exclusion situation Proposal addresses the DSI in question and has the right consortium composition Applicant has the financial and technical capacity to carry out the action Proposal complies with relevant EU legislation (public procurement)

42 Technical Evaluation: overview
External experts provide technical assessment on the basis of the information submitted in a proposal in a two-step process: 1. Individual reading of proposals 2. Consensus meeting for each proposal Experts: are selected from the database used by several EU funding programmes & chosen on the basis of their experience, gender and geographic balance Sign a contract, confidentiality and absence of conflict of interest declaration Evaluate in their personal capacity - not as representatives of a country or employer An independent observer may also be contracted to give recommendations on the process as a whole

43 Technical Evaluation: individual assessment
Done remotely or centrally at INEA Each proposal assessed independently by at least three experts Each expert completes the evaluation form, comments and scores award criteria on a scale from 0 to 5 points Scores must be in line with comments

44 Technical Evaluation: consensus meeting
Done centrally at INEA Experts and an INEA moderator meet to agree on comments and scores for the award criteria The proposal must have at least 3 points for each criterion to be considered for funding. Overall threshold = 10 points (applying to the sum of the three individual scores)

45 Quality & efficiency of implementation Impact & sustainability
Award criteria Relevance Alignment to DSI implementation objectives & activities (WP) Alignment to EU/national policies, strategies and activities Quality & efficiency of implementation Maturity Coherence/effectivess with work plan Quality of consortium/consortium members Support from national authorities/industry/NGOs Attention to security/privacy/ inclusiveness/accessibility Impact & sustainability Quality of the approach to facilitate wider deployment/take-up of the proposed actions Capability of long-term sustainability without EU funding

46 Internal Evaluation Done by the Commission
Does not re-evaluate the proposals but uses the experts recommendations to prepare a ranking list (and any reserve lists) Identifies potential double funding and/or any other issues that would influence the selection of proposals Discusses where appropriate any potential transfer of budget from one call to another

47 Selection Decision Member States approve the Selection Decision in the CEF Coordination Committee European Parliament is informed on the list of selected projects Selection Decision is adopted formally by the Commission Publicity actions (i.e. press release) carried out after adoption of Selection Decision

48 Grant agreement Once Decision is adopted, successful applicants are invited to by INEA to prepare the individual grant agreement Grant agreement is signed between the beneficiaries (applicants) and INEA and covers the technical, legal and financial aspects of the proposal based on evaluation results Model grant agreement is published on INEA website on the call page Project management carried out by INEA

49 How to apply

50 Before you get started…
Read through all of the call documents on the call webpage, especially: Work Programme (Annex) Call text Take special note of the Priorities (section 3) and Results (section 4) which provide specific information on what is expected in the proposals Carefully read the Award Criteria (section 10) which explain on what the proposal will be evaluated Guide for Applicants

51 Proposal submission Fully electronic proposal submission done via TENtec – system used to manage the CEF projects during their entire lifecycle and which enables the electronic submission of proposals under the CEF calls All application forms and access to TENtec eSubmission module available via call page on INEA website

52 Application form Part A Main characteristics of the proposal Part B
Administrative information Part C Information on compliance with EU law Part D Technical and financial information Application Form

53 Application form A Essential administrative information on the applicants and on the proposal (summary of the action, timing, activities and milestones, budget and requested funding) Must be completed in the TENtec eSubmission module (Word version provided for reference on call webpage) Includes forms that require signature of the applicants (A2.2) and Member State validation (A2.3) Be complete, informative and precise: the descriptions of the proposed Action and activities will also be used for the grant agreement

54 Application form B Further administrative information on applicants and info use to demonstrate compliance with the financial & operational capacity Legal entity form, financial identification form, additional supporting documents Member States, third countries, public entities established in the EU and international organisations DO NOT need to demonstrate financial and operational capacity Annexes B-I, B-II, B-III, B-IV to be completed, signed, stamped (B-III), and uploaded if applicable

55 Financial and operational capacity check
Application form B Financial and operational capacity check Required by Financial Regulation Financial capacity check Financial analysis based on a set of ratios, carried out as same time as evaluation – applicants to supply information based on amount of grant requested Operational capacity check Proof of technical and operational capacity of applicant to complete the proposed Action Complements information from application form D2.3 Proof: activity report, CVs, reports on similar projects, etc

56 Information on compliance with EU law on public procurement
Application form C Information on compliance with EU law on public procurement Information on other sources of EU financing that may be received by the proposal (cannot receive grants from two EU funding sources)

57 Don't forget the Gantt chart/other annexes
Application form D Detailed, technical information describing the proposed Action and its activities – i.e. the heart of the proposal Order of the questions reflects the award criteria – address each point and subpoint in your application to ensure that your proposal contains all of the relevant information on which it will be assessed. Don't forget the Gantt chart/other annexes

58 Tips to improve your proposal: content
Provide ALL relevant information on the application forms - don’t rely on additional supporting documents Be consistent in describing the objective, activities, duration and budget in your responses to different questions and parts of the application form Present a clear time table and planning overview, explain possible risks and delays and provide evidence that these are being addressed Show evidence that the proposed Action supports the objectives/aims of the call + addresses the award criteria Justify why the financial support is needed Use simple, clear language! Responses need to be clear, well-structured, substantiated and concise -> experts have limited time to read and assess the proposals

59 Tips to improve your proposal: process
Start early (especially for Member State endorsement and multi-applicant proposals) Save your proposal often in the system Avoid upoading all supporting documents and information at the last minute Visit your call webpage regularly to check for updates, sign up for our Twitter feed for notifications

60 Guidance and help available
Call webpage: Work programme Call texts Other key legal and technical documents Member State contact points Useful links Guide for Applicants Presentations and video footage from 3 June Info Day Call checklist

61 Guidance and help available
Helpdesk: FAQs (general and DSI specific) and FAQ notification service Where relevant for all applicants: answers published in FAQs (no individual responses!) Where too specific to a proposal and would provide a comparative advantage: not answered FAQ deadline: Thursday 1 September - last FAQ update online Thursday 8 September Individual responses will be provided until the deadline on technical questions related to TENtec eSubmission module

62 Submitting the application
Follow the steps as detailed in the Guide for Applicants Part A must be filled in TENtec eSubmission module Parts B, C and D can be completed in native applications and uploaded as attachments Upload all forms requiring signatures (e.g. A2.2, A2.3, Annexes B-I, B-II, B-III) – make them clearly identifiable by their title Don't forget any supporting documents Keep your originals – they may be requested later Submit in TENtec before the deadline: Thursday, 15 September 2016, 17:00.00 (Brussels time)

63 Next steps (indicative)
September-December 2016: evaluation January-February 2017: legislative process and adoption of the Selection Decision Starting from February 2017: announcement of results and negotiation of individual grant agreements for the successful proposals Best of luck!

For more information @inea_eu

65 Questions? #CEFeDelivery

66 Find out more on CEF Digital
Directorate-General for Informatics DG CONNECT Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

67 ANNEX eDelivery service offering in details

68 Software Sample software maintained by the EC
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS Standard software implementations of the technical specifications of CEF eDelivery. The European Commission maintains and develops sample software that is openly available to be re-used. The following components of a CEF eDelivery solution are provided: Access Point Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) Service Metadata Locator (SML) Trust establishment Connector Through the "Operational Management Board", CEF eDelivery stakeholders define the evolution of these solutions, by suggesting features that are then developed by the CEF's team. Software Providers Service Providers Policy Domains STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Released under an open source license Viable solutions for use in production environment Fully supported by the European Commission Based on market-driven technical specifications Get started Contact us >

69 Operations services Managed services
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS Sample software centrally hosted and managed by the EC, based on sample implementations that are based on technical specifications of CEF eDelivery. The European Commission develops, maintains and provides software as a service for the following components of a CEF eDelivery solution: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Service Metadata Locator (SML) These services facilitate the re-use of CEF eDelivery by different Policy Domains. Policy Domains STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Reduced cost of hosting the service, which is sustained by the European Commission Full support by the European Commission Defined and agreed Service Levels Get started Contact us >

70 Operations services / Testing service Connectivity testing
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS Test if a newly installed AS4 Access Point, conformant with the CEF eDelivery specifications, can successfully communicate with the sample AS4 Access Point hosted by the European Commission. If successful, these tests confirm that the new Access Point is in all likelihood correctly deployed and configured. The CEF Support Team facilitates the Connectivity Testing by making available a sample AS4 Access Point in a cloud environment, as well as providing guidelines and support during the testing process. Software Providers Service Providers STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Confirm that newly deployed AS4 Access Points can successfully communicate with a neutral organization i.e. the sample Access Point of the European Commission; Testing anywhere at anytime Testing supported by professional staff of the European Commission Get started Contact us >

71 Operations services / Testing service Conformance testing
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS Verify that an implementation of the CEF eDelivery Access Point and SMP specifications, a software package either commercial or Open Source, conforms to the specifications of the CEF eDelivery Access Point. The following specifications are tested within the scope of this service: e-SENS AS4 Profile e-SENS SMP Profile The CEF eDelivery Team provides ready to use test cases, a testing platform, and supports the users of the CEF eDelivery Conformance Testing service during the entire testing process. Software Providers Service Providers STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Confirm and assure your users/customers that your software package or implementation of the CEF eDelivery Access Point conforms to the CEF eDelivery specifications Testing anywhere at anytime Testing supported by professional staff of the European Commission Get started Contact us >

72 Operations services Supporting services
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS The CEF eDelivery team offers: Service Desk – a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to address questions, incidents, requests and changes reported by the Users with regards to the CEF eDelivery service offering. Training and deployment support - Training sessions about the technical specifications underpinning the components of CEF eDelivery, the services offered by the Commission and its sample implementations, and interactive sessions to support in the deployment of the solution. Policy Domains Software Providers Service Providers STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Day to day monitoring and 24h/7days service to maintain a high-level of availability and capacity of the CEF eDelivery Managed Services Proactive incident detection and resolution Increased autonomy of the Public Administration in handling and maintaining the CEF eDelivery components Get started Contact us >

73 Stakeholder management services Onboarding services
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS CEF offers onboarding services for new projects interested in re-using CEF eDelivery: Self-assessment tool - a survey that maps the requirements of the users to the CEF eDelivery Service Offering. During the self-assessment, users assign different scores to the relevant requirements of their business system and the eDelivery messaging infrastructure. Based on the answers provided, the tool calculates how CEF eDelivery can help users achieve their goals by indicating which services provided by CEF eDelivery will allow them to meet their specified needs and requirements. Onboarding of new stakeholders – A direct contact point for all policy domains interested in re-using CEF eDelivery, that will facilitate the understanding, adoption and deployment of the solutions. Service Providers Policy Domains STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Business-driven and time-efficient assessment Comparability – the self-assessment tool provides a benchmarking with use cases of other projects already re-using CEF eDelivery Direct and easy contact with the CEF eDelivery technical teams, through the onboarding services Get started Contact us >

74 Stakeholder management services Community management
Back to Service offering > OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICE USERS Develop, expand and engage with a community of developers contributing to the evolution of CEF eDelivery’s open source sample implementations. Among the 5 components that the CEF eDelivery team develops, CEF manages an online community of developers interested in contributing to the code of the sample implementations. Developers STATUS Service Documentation More info CEF Digital > BENEFITS Cost effective development Wide set of skills Faster response to emerging requirements Get started Contact us >

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