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Anonymizing Sequential Releases
Ke Wang Simon Fraser University Benjamin C. M. Fung Simon Fraser University ACM SIGKDD 2006
Motivation: Sequential Releases
Previous works address single release only. Data are typically released sequentially in multiple versions. New information become available. A tailored view for each data sharing purpose. Separate releases for sensitive and identifying information. Different data sharing purpose: different target attributes.
T1: Current Release Pid Name Job Class 1 Alice Banker c1 2 3 Bob Clerk c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 T2: Previous Release Pid Job Disease 1 Banker Cancer 2 3 Clerk HIV 4 Driver 5 Engineer The join on T1.Job = T2.Job Pid Name Job Disease Class 1 Alice Banker Cancer c1 2 3 Bob Clerk HIV c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 - Do not want Name to be linked to Disease in the join of the two releases. Motivating Example: This example illustrates a scenario of sequential release: T1 was unknown when T2 was released, and T2, once released, cannot be modified when T1 is considered for release.
join sharpens identification: {Bob, HIV} has groups size 1.
T1: Current Release Pid Name Job Class 1 Alice Banker c1 2 3 Bob Clerk c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 T2: Previous Release Pid Job Disease 1 Banker Cancer 2 3 Clerk HIV 4 Driver 5 Engineer The join on T1.Job = T2.Job Pid Name Job Disease Class 1 Alice Banker Cancer c1 2 3 Bob Clerk HIV c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 - join sharpens identification: {Bob, HIV} has groups size 1. Motivating Example
join weakens identification: {Alice, Cancer} has groups size 4.
T1: Current Release Pid Name Job Class 1 Alice Banker c1 2 3 Bob Clerk c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 T2: Previous Release Pid Job Disease 1 Banker Cancer 2 3 Clerk HIV 4 Driver 5 Engineer The join on T1.Job = T2.Job Pid Name Job Disease Class 1 Alice Banker Cancer c1 2 3 Bob Clerk HIV c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 - join weakens identification: {Alice, Cancer} has groups size 4. Motivating Example lossy join: combat join attack.
join enables inferences across tables:
T1: Current Release Pid Name Job Class 1 Alice Banker c1 2 3 Bob Clerk c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 T2: Previous Release Pid Job Disease 1 Banker Cancer 2 3 Clerk HIV 4 Driver 5 Engineer The join on T1.Job = T2.Job Pid Name Job Disease Class 1 Alice Banker Cancer c1 2 3 Bob Clerk HIV c2 4 Driver c3 5 Cathy Engineer c4 - join enables inferences across tables: AliceCancer has 100% confidence. Motivating Example
Related Work k-anonymity [SS98, FWY05, BA05, LDR05, WYC04, WLFW06]
Quasi-identifier (QID): e.g., {Job, birth date, Zip}. The database is made anonymous to its local QID. In sequential releases, the database must be made anonymous to a global QID spanning the join of all releases thus far. Explicit ID (removed) QID (anonymized to groups of size ≥ k) Sensitive attributes
Related Work l-diversity [MGK06]
Sensitive values are “well-represented” in each QID group (measured by entropy). Confidence limiting [WFY05, WFY06]: qid s, confidence < h where qid is a QID group, s is a sensitive value.
Related Work View releases
T1 and T2 are two views in one release, both can be modified before the release. [MW04, DP05] measures information disclosure of a view set wrt a secret view. [YWJ05, KG06] detects privacy violation by a view set over a base table. Detect, not eliminate, violations.
Sequential Release Sequential release:
Current release T1. Previous release T2. T1 was unknown when T2 was released. T2 cannot be modified when T1 is released. Solution #1: k-anonymize all attributes in T1 - excessive distortion. Solution #2: generalize T1 based on T2 - monotonically distort the later release. Solution #3: anonymize a complete cohort of all potential releases at one time – must predict all future releases
Intuition of Our Approach
A lossy join hides the true join relationship to cripple a global QID. Generalize T1 so that the join with T2 becomes lossy enough to disorient the attacker. Two general privacy notions: (X,Y)-anonymity and (X,Y)-linkability, where X and Y are sets of attributes.
(X,Y)-Privacy k-anonymity: # of distinct records for each QID group ≥ k. (X,Y)-anonymity: # of distinct Y values for each X group ≥ k. (X,Y)-linkability: the maximum confidence of having a Y value given having a X value is ≤ k. Generalize k-anonymity [SS98] and confidence limiting [WFY05, WFY06].
Example: (X,Y)-Anonymity
Pid Job Zip PoB Test 1 Banker 123 Canada HIV Diabetes Eye 2 Clerk 456 Japan Heart k-anonymity uses # of records as anonymity, fails to ensure k distinct patients.
Example: (X,Y)-Anonymity
Anonymity wrt patients (instead of records): X = {Job, Zip, PoB} and Y = Pid Each X group is linked to at least k distinct values on Pid. Anonymity wrt tests: X = {Job, Zip, PoB} and Y = Test Each X group is linked to at least k distinct tests.
Example: (X,Y)-Linkability
Pid Job Zip PoB Test 1 Banker 123 Canada HIV 2 3 4 Diabetes 5 Clerk 456 Japan 6 {Banker,123,Canada} HIV (75% confidence). With Y = Test, (X,Y)-linkability states that no test can be inferred from a X group with confidence > a given threshold.
Problem Statement The data holder made previous release T2 and now makes current release T1, where T2 and T1 are projections of the same underlying table. Want to ensure (X,Y)-privacy on the join of T1 and T2, where X and Y are attribute sets on the join. Sequential anonymization: generalize T1 on X ∩ att(T1) so that the join satisfies (X,Y)-privacy and T1 remains as useful as possible.
Generalization / Specialization
Each generalization replaces all child values with the parent value. A cut contains exactly one value on every root-to-leaf path. Alternatively, each specialization replaces the parent value with a consistent child value in the record. Job ANY Professional Admin Engineer Lawyer Banker Clerk
Match Function The attacker applies prior knowledge to match the records in T1 and T2. So, the data holder applies such prior knowledge in sequential anonymization We consider prior knowledge: schema information of T1 and T2. taxonomies for attributes. the inclusion-exclusion principle.
Match Function Let t1 T1 and t2 T2.
Inclusion Predicate: t1.A matches t2.A if they are on the same generalization path for attribute A. e.g., Male matches Single Male. Exclusion Predicate: t1.A matches t2.B only if they are not semantically inconsistent (based on common sense). To exclude impossible matches. e.g., Male and Pregnant are semantically inconsistent, so are Married Male and 6 Month Pregnant.
Algorithm Overview Top-Down Specialization
Input: T1, T2, (X,Y)-privacy, a taxonomy tree for each attribute in X1=X ∩ att(T1). Output: a generalized T1 satisfying the privacy requirement. generalize every value of Aj to ANYj where Aj X1; while there is a valid candidate in ỤCutj do find the winner w of highest Score(w) from ỤCutj; specialize w on T1 and remove w from ỤCutj; update Score(v) and the valid status for all v in ỤCutj; end while output the generalized T1 and ỤCutj;
Anti-Monotone Privacy
Theorem 1: On a single table, (X,Y)-privacy is anti-monotone wrt specialization on X: if violated, remains violated after a specialization. On the join of T1 and T2, (X,Y)-privacy is not anti-monotone wrt specialization of T1. Specializing T1 may create dangling records, e.g., by specializing “CA” into “LA” and “San Francisco”, “LA” records in T1 no longer match “San Francisco” records in T2.
Anti-Monotone Privacy
Theorem 2: Assume that T1 and T2 are projections of the same underlying table, (X,Y)-privacy on the join of T1 and T2 is anti-monotone wrt specialization of T1 on X ∩ att(T1).
Score Metric Each specialization gains some information and loses some privacy. We maximize gain per loss InfoGain(v) is measured on T1. PrivLoss(v) is measured on the join of T1 and T2.
Challenges Each specialization affects the matching of join, Score(v), and privacy checking. rejoining T1 and T2 for each specialization is too expensive. Materializing the join is impractical because a lossy join can be very large. Our solution: Incrementally maintains some count statistics without executing the join extension of Top-Down Specialization [FWY05][WFY05]
Empirical Study The Adult data set records. Categorical attributes only. The join attributes are the common attributes Top3 categorical attributes. The rationale is that if join attributes are not important, they should be removed first.
T1 contains the Class Income level
Schema for T1 and T2 T1 contains the Class Income level Department Attribute # of Leaves Levels Taxation (T1) Education (E) 16 5 Occupation (O) 14 3 Work-class (W) 8 Common (T1 & T2) Marital-status (M) 7 4 Relationship (Ra) 6 Sex (S) 2 Immigration (T2) Native-country (Nc) 40 Race (Ra) The join attributes are the common attributes Top3 categorical attributes. The rationale is that if join attributes are not important, they should be removed first.
Empirical Study Classification metric Distortion metric [SS98]
Classification error on the generalized testing set of T1. Distortion metric [SS98] 1 unit of distortion for generalization of each value in each record. Normalized by the number of records.
(X,Y)-Anonymity TopN attributes: most important for classification.
Join attributes are Top3 attributes. X contains TopN attributes in T1 (to ensure that the generalization is performed on important attributes), all join attributes, all attributes in T2 (to ensure X is global).
Distortion of (X,Y)-anonymity Ki denotes the key in Ti.
XYD: our method with Y = K1. KAD: k-anonymization on QID=att(T1). We choose X so that X contains the N top ranked attributes in T1 for a specified N (to ensure that the generalization is performed on important attributes) X contains all join attributes (thus Case 1 in Section 5.4). X contains all attributes in T2.
Classification error of (X,Y)-anonymity
XYE: our method with Y = K1. XYE(row): our method with Y={K1,K2}. BLE: the unmodified data. KAE: k-anonymization on QID=att(T1). RJE: removing all join attributes from T1. We choose X so that X contains the N top ranked attributes in T1 for a specified N (to ensure that the generalization is performed on important attributes) X contains all join attributes (thus Case 1 in Section 5.4). X contains all attributes in T2.
(X,Y)-Linkability Y contains TopN attributes.
If not important, simply remove them. X contains the rest of the attributes in T1 and T2. Focus on classification error because no previous work studies distortion for (X,Y)-linkability.
Classification error of (X,Y)-linkability
XYE: our method with Y = TopN. BLE: the unmodified data. RJE: removing all join attributes from T1. RSE: removing all attributes in Y from T1. Set A: Y contains the TopN categorical attributes in T1. X contains all the attributes in T1 not in Y , except T2:Ra and T2:Nc because otherwise no privacy requirement can be satisfied. Set B: T1 and X contain the 6 continuous attributes, in addition to the categorical attributes in Set A.
(X,Y)-linkability (k=90%)
Scalability (X,Y)-anonymity (k=40) (X,Y)-linkability (k=90%)
Conclusion Previous k-anonymization focused on a single release of data. Studied the sequential anonymization problem when data are released sequentially and a global QID may span several releases. Introduced lossy join to hide the join relationship and weaken the global QID. Addressed challenges due to large size of lossy join. Extendable to more than two releases T2,…,Tp.
References [BA05] R. Bayardo and R. Agrawal. Data privacy through optimal k-anonymization. In IEEE ICDE, pages , 2005. [DP05] A. Deutsch and Y. Papakonstantinou. Privacy in database publishing. In ICDT, 2005. [FWY05] B. C. M. Fung, K. Wang, and P. S. Yu. Top-down specialization for information and privacy preservation. In IEEE ICDE, pages , April 2005. [KG06] D. Kifer and J. Gehrke. Injecting utility into anonymized datasets. In ACM SIGMOD, Chicago, IL, June 2006.
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References [WFY05] K. Wang, B. C. M. Fung, and P. S. Yu. Template-based privacy preservation in classification problems. In IEEE ICDM, pages , November 2005. [WFY06] K. Wang, B. C. M. Fung, and P. S. Yu. Handicapping attacker's condence: An alternative to k-anonymization. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal, 2006. [WYC04] K. Wang, P. S. Yu, and S. Chakraborty. Bottom-up generalization: A data mining solution to privacy protection. In IEEE ICDM, November 2004.
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