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Ecologically Effective Metals Adsorption Sorbster® Media Wastewater, leachates, ground water, process water, and ponds.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecologically Effective Metals Adsorption Sorbster® Media Wastewater, leachates, ground water, process water, and ponds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecologically Effective Metals Adsorption Sorbster® Media Wastewater, leachates, ground water, process water, and ponds

2 Sorbster® Media Properties
Functionalized activated alumina technology High adsorbent capacity: Up to 75% by weight Ability to reach ultra low levels (ppb and ppt) Removes both soluble cations and anions in a single pass Especially effective for soluble metals, silica & fluoride Effective across broad pH range: pH 3 to 10 Contaminates are permanently bound to the medias Does not support bacterial growth Multi-metal removal in a single pass No ancillary waste stream Low energy requirement Passes TCLP/CA WET for non-hazardous disposal options Bonding at chemically enriched sites throughout enhanced alumina-based media All rights reserved Sorbster®

3 Sorbster® Adsorbent Media Types
Cost Effective Contaminant Removal:  Simple solution for multiple metals in a single pass Low CAPEX/OPEX compared to other technologies • Deploys in industry standard vessels • Flexible application without hidden costs • Little operator intervention, minimal training • Low energy requirement • Lead-lag vessels for continuous operation during changeout • Long media life requiring fewer changeouts • No activation chemicals • No ancillary waste streams • Non-Hazardous disposal reduces waste costs Sorbster® MM-1 Primarily for Metals Sorbster® F-1 Primarily for Fluoride Sorbster® Si-1 Primarily for Silica Sorbster® Cu-1 Primarily for Copper Sorbster® Se-1 Primarily for Selenium Process Dynamics: Deploy in any tank or cartridge with good water distribution Water flow is the primary control parameter Water-to-media contact time is key: typically 5 to 20 minutes Sorbster® Medias: High macroporosity and surface area Functionalized with specific chemistries throughout each granule to covalently bond contaminants Density ranges from 45 to 55 lbs./ft3 depending on media type Avoid surface active chemistries that can coat surface sites and sustained levels of free oxidants All rights reserved Sorbster®

4 Sorbster® Selective Adsorption Capability
Most Typical Water Ions Do Not Interact & Pass Through Sorbster® Media Contaminants Removed Mercury Arsenic Selenite Copper Fluoride Selenate Cadmium Thallium Vanadium Tin Barium Hexavalent Chromium Antimony Cobalt Silica Lead Zinc Up to 99% removal to achieve Mercury <1.3ppt Selenium < 1.0 ppb Boron Molybdenum Nickel Cyanide Inlet to Sorbster® (ppm) Outlet of Sorbster® (ppm) Chloride up to 20,000 ppm Calcium up to 3500 ppm Magnesium up to 6000 ppm Magnesium up to ppm Sulfate* up to 89,000 ppm Sulfate* up to 89,000 ppm Iron and Aluminum up to 10 ppm Iron and Aluminum up to 10 ppm This table shows client water results, these are not maximum levels for the media *Occasional sulfate removal to 30% maximum All rights reserved Sorbster®

5 Opportunities for Sorbster® Use
Alternate for/ replacement of: Hydroxide/sulfide/ carbonate/iron precipitation Chemical/polymeric precipitation Ion exchange R/O Carbon adsorbents Membrane Bioreactors Dilution Polish: Remove low metals levels to accomplish discharge limits behind existing processes Pretreat: Remove bulk of contaminant before another process All rights reserved Sorbster®

6 Contaminated Water Stream
Sorbster® Media Application Contaminated Water Stream Clean Water Deployed in industry-standard vessels Little operator intervention required saving OPEX cost Smaller equipment footprint & lower capital cost Water flow rate is the primary control parameter Breakthrough determined by monitoring effluent metal concentration Lead-lag vessels for continuous operation during change out No backwash or activation chemical required Flow Through Sorbster® Media All rights reserved Sorbster®

7 Sorbster® Competitive Advantages
Technology Ability to reach <1ppt Hg Low-level Se <5ppb Selective multi-metal removal (Se, As, Hg, F, etc.) Low Fouling Potential No ancillary waste stream pH Range Sorbster® 3-10 Ion Exchange Limited 0-14 Carbon 4-7 RO 2-10 Precipitation / Coagulation 5-10 Bioreactors 6-9 Membrane Bioreactors Add green checks and red x’s, key differentiators (ultra-low concentrations) All rights reserved Sorbster®

8 Sorbster® Treatment Options
Sorbster® Applications Pump & Treat Flow-through vessels in lead-lag configuration Works with continuous and intermittent flows without complex monitoring Perfect for temporary applications and seasonal treatments  Gravity Flow Creative options where utilities are not available Remote deployment with little operator intervention Wetlands barriers and containments Remediation Sorbster® fines available for cap and treat applications Bonding at chemically enriched sites throughout enhanced alumina-based media All rights reserved Sorbster®

9 All rights reserved Sorbster®
Comparative Costs Application Target Metals Flow Rate (gpm) Duration (yrs) Cost/gallon Groundwater Selenium/Silica Variable 3 Unknown Truck Wash Multiple metals 10 gpm 2 $.00308* Process water Hg $0.0001 Cooling tower Silica 15 1 Cyanide 10 $ *Highly variable flow rate, intermittent operation All rights reserved Sorbster®

10 All rights reserved Sorbster®
Need More Information? To learn more about how our adsorption technology can help you improve your process water, meet your discharge permit limits and clean up spills, contact Sorbster® By listening to those within industrial water treatment, we are able to understand customer issues and provide solutions Sorbster® Contacts - Rich Lalama Sales ( ) Cecilia Cruickshank (415) All rights reserved Sorbster®

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