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Author: Volker Strubel

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1 Author: Volker Strubel
STORHY – Hydrogen Storage Systems for Automotive Applications 26th September EU-HarmonHy Workshop; Brussels Date: Author: Volker Strubel

2 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Georg W. Mair BAM-III.2 I. Increasing of efficiency: Crosscutting of RCS II. Needs for StorHy-System improvement II. ECE-H2 draft: Comments on several test procedures IV. Aspects of QM during autofrettage V. Conclusions (RCS in the 7th FP). Ich habe meinen Vortrag in folgende Kapitel gegliedert. Der Inhalt jedes dieser Kapitel wird Ihnen im einzelnen mit Hilfe ergänzender Übersichtsfolien vorgestellt werden. Hypothesen

3 Increasing of efficiency: Crosscutting of RCS
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions Increasing of efficiency: Crosscutting of RCS Hydrogen Component Hydrogen Liaisons Stationary applications Transportation applications Automotive applications Portable applications gaseous liquid Application Components Table will be explained in detail by Mr. Krainz Knowledge, results of pre-normative research and standards should be discussed in a more spanning way to avoid duplication of work.

4 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions Currently the StorHy-Systems are primarily designed to fulfil the standards and not a certain level of reliability. So an improvement of e. g. the Hydrogen storage technology is possible by an probabilistic opening of the required test regimes: to achieve a lower weight, to achieve a decrease of material consumption, to achieve a cheaper manufacturing process…. …at a safety level which is on no account lower than today.

5 …a wide spread of safety factors linked to weight.
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions A set of probabilistic optimised design parameters e. g. of a hoop wrapped Type II cylinder shows… …a wide spread of safety factors linked to weight.

6 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions The comparison with the main optimisation restriction shows that the wide spread of safety factors does not correlate with the constant safety level… …so a deterministic safety factor does not trustworthily show a certain safety level.

7 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions The necessary opening of the type test requirements may not be done by a discussion of e. g. stress ratios, life time or burst pressure separately! Its high time to use probabilistic tools for the assessment of such changes and to assess the current safety level in a quantitative manner. The probabilistic is the only method to achieve a further improvement of high pressure containments without taking a hazardous risks.

8 to perform the fatigue test at –40°C until leakage (Typ II)
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions A possible quantitative procedure which is going to be assessed within StorHy is: to perform the fatigue test at –40°C until leakage (Typ II) Vergrößerungsfaktor der Zusatzgewichte Stand der Wissenschaft entwickelt sich und wird langsam zum Stand der Technik.... Damit haben LR-Studenten Wissen über Technologien, die andere Wirtschaftsbereiche erst noch etablieren wollen!! Requirement: load cycles before leakage

9 Requirement: bursting time and pressure
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions An other possible quantitative procedure which is going to be assessed within StorHy is: to perform the “bonfire test” of Hydrogen containments until rupture and separately for PRD and cylinders Vergrößerungsfaktor der Zusatzgewichte Stand der Wissenschaft entwickelt sich und wird langsam zum Stand der Technik.... Damit haben LR-Studenten Wissen über Technologien, die andere Wirtschaftsbereiche erst noch etablieren wollen!! Requirement: bursting time and pressure

10 Requirement: max. of energy without gas release
Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions An other possible quantitative procedure which is going to be assessed within StorHy is: to perform the “drop test” dependent on statistic crash data and chassis properties Vergrößerungsfaktor der Zusatzgewichte Stand der Wissenschaft entwickelt sich und wird langsam zum Stand der Technik.... Damit haben LR-Studenten Wissen über Technologien, die andere Wirtschaftsbereiche erst noch etablieren wollen!! Requirement: max. of energy without gas release

11 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions An important part of the manufacturing process of containments with a load sharing liner is the autofrettage process:

12 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions The material caused wide spread of results after autofrettage process shows the necessity of the combination of quanti- tative type test procedures and the evaluation of the manufactured products.

13 Highlights of SP SAR within StorHy Survey - Crosscutting of RCS - StorHy-System improvement – Comments on several test procedures - QM during autofrettage - Conclusions There is a high pressure and an enormous potential for design improvements without a decrease of safety level. Therefore its necessary to improve the design type testing procedures to achieve quantitative assessable tests and related testing techniques/apparatus (7th FP?). Further effort of assessment of the current safety level in terms of probability should be made (7th FP?). An alternative probability based design type approval should be developed (7th FP?). For an adequate good product safety it is necessary to develop appropriate and effective QM procedures. Vergrößerungsfaktor der Zusatzgewichte Stand der Wissenschaft entwickelt sich und wird langsam zum Stand der Technik.... Damit haben LR-Studenten Wissen über Technologien, die andere Wirtschaftsbereiche erst noch etablieren wollen!!

14 Thank you for your attention

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