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Photosynthesis & Respiration Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis & Respiration Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis & Respiration Connections
Do Now: 1. Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis. How can it be changed into the equation for respiration?

2 Simplified Carbon Cycle
CO2 + H2O Energy Out Energy In Photosynthesis (plant growth) Respiration and combustion O2 in the atmosphere Organic Compounds (food, organisms, fossil fuels, etc.)

3 Simplified Carbon Cycle
CO2 + H2O in the atmosphere Energy Out Energy In Photosynthesis (plant growth) Respiration and combustion CO2 + H2O in the atmosphere Organic Compounds (food, organisms, fossil fuels, etc.)

4 The Carbon Cycle of Life
C6H12O6 Photo-synthesis Respiration ATP Energy Produced CO2 Light Energy


6 Chemosynthesis: When autotrophs use Energy other than light to make Carbs.

7 Life is the Carbon Cycle
ENERGY AND CO2 RELEASED (burning, or respiration) Inorganic Carbon CO2 Organic Carbon (like fossil fuels and biomass) ENERGY AND CO2 REQUIRED (photosynthesis)

8 Water Cycle and Plants Plants get the water they need for photosynthesis from roots in the soil. Plants lose water by transpiration, which is evaporation from the leaves.

9 Oxygen gets Cycled too

10 Algae Reduced the Carbon…

11 …and Animals Release it.

12 The atmosphere retains heat.
How much depends on the chemical properties of the atmosphere CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs heat radiation


14 Key Ideas: The Carbon Cycle
For each process, indicate where the carbon begins and where it ends up. Also include the type of carbon involved.

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