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II. War in the Philippines

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1 II. War in the Philippines
Filipinos, like Cubans, were rebelling against Spanish rule. American commodore George Dewey raced to Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet there.

2 c. Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo and US Troops took control of Manila.

3 III. War in the Caribbean
The US Army was unprepared for war. Only 28,000 soldiers Raised an army quickly, but not enough rifles and bullets. 2000 Americans die of disease in Cuba 400 killed in battle

4 B. Rough Riders Group of US soldiers in Cuba that became very popular in the press. Teddy Roosevelt was 2nd in command. Took Kettle Hill with African-American troops. 4 African-Americans received the Medal of Honor

5 c. Spain loses Puerto Rico and signs cease-fire agreement August 12, 1898.

6 IV. United States Gains Territories
Peace treaty placed Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines under US control.

7 B. Anti-Imperialists League
Group the opposed the treaty and the creation of an American colonial empire. Threatens democracy at home by denying self-government US Senate approves treaty 57 to 27, just 1 vote more than it needed.

8 C. Cuba Platt Amendment - limited Cuba’s right to make treaties and allow the US to intervene in Cuban affairs. Amendment is hated by Cubans, but stays in place until 1934 US actively involved in Cuban affairs until the late 1950s.

9 D. Puerto Rico 1900, made a US territory
1917, Jones Act gave Puerto Ricans US Citizenship

10 E. The Philippines Filipinos wanted independence, and Aguinaldo started a guerilla war against the Americans.

11 2. Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos were killed before the conflict ended.
3. Gained independence in 1946.

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