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Vocab Unit 3.

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1 Vocab Unit 3

2 Ambidextrous – able to use both hands equally well
When Mike broke his right arm, he had to become ambidextrous to live life. 

3 Bereft -deprived of, made unhappy through a loss
After my pet frog Hoppy died, I was bereft for weeks. 

4 Dour – stern; unyielding; gloomy; ill-humored
Dr. Rank is a very dour character. 

5 Gape – to stare with open mouth
When the accident was happening all I could do was stare and gape.

6 Opulent – wealthy, luxurious
His opulence was evident when he pulled up to prom in a million dollar car. 

7 Reiterate – to say again; repeat
​​The teacher had to reiterate her directions because the students were talking.

8 Unkempt – not combed; untidy
My mother grounded me because my room was very unkempt, there is laundry all over the floor. ​

9 Verbatim – word for word; exactly as written or spoken
​Ms. Bourne reiterated (adv)the directions verbatim. This morning I read online a verbatim (adj) account of President Trumps speech. 

10 Warily – cautiously; with great care
​​I warily approached the cave because I was told there was a bear in there. 

11 Adroit – skillful; expert in the use of hands or mind
​The ninja in the lego movie was very adroit in harming his opponents. 

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