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Presentation on theme: "OKRID 2018 TULSA THE POWER OF ONE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Board Members President-Anne Byrd Members at Large:
Vice President- Bree Logan Secretary- Calista Choate Treasurer-Jeanette Buttram Parliamentarian-Jake Alexander Members at Large: Holly Palermo Ashley Deimel Josiah Fehlauer KT Laughlin

3 Welcome President Report

4 President Report RID CEO selection process
Two finalist candidates were presented RID Board reviewed qualifications and selected Joey Trapani Decision has been made, we will wait and see OKRID knows members don’t all agree with decision and have forwarded concerns to RID New concerns?! to Sonja Smith, RID Region IV Rep OKRID’s primary focus on State of Oklahoma

5 President Report Vice President Report

6 Treasurer Report- Jeanette Buttram

7 Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM)
Several members of OKRID are working on a Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) for OKRID. They are: Sandie Busby Jeanette Buttram Suzanne Graham Rene Ryan As soon as a draft version is ready, members will be given time to provide feedback.

8 Membership Trends- Secretary

9 Web and Media Committee
Bree Logan Calista Choate Summer Coleman Lisa Mathis Salem Xavier Membership tab Register Sign up for your preferred membership! * cycle now available Credit card can be used for a secure payment through the paypal option. :)

10 New Business MAL Deaf- MAL President- Elect

11 MAL Positions The Members-at-Large shall serve as a liaison between members and the Executive Board. Jaclyn Terrio Darine Stallings

12 Deaf Member at Large (MAL)
The Deaf Member at Large works with the Executive Board, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication in and among the association. Must be a member of OKRID for one year and join OAD Sent an to those who qualify.

13 President-Elect In the event that a current officer is serving as President- Elect simultaneously, that person shall retain their voting privileges. Otherwise, the President-Elect shall not have voting privileges for their one-year term. The responsibility of this office shall be to assist the Executive Board or any committee as requested by the Executive Board toward the goal of being a more effective President.

14 Awards & Scholarships QAST Award Scholarship Recipients 2018
Donna Hayes Memorial Scholarship Recipients 2018 Richard Mullins Award Recipient 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient 2018

15 QAST Scholarship Award Recipient
Requirements: Must be an Oklahoma Resident; Member of OKRID in good standing, including student members.

16 2018 Recipients Melissa Zenker Laura Battiest

17 Donna Hayes Memorial Scholarship
Requirements: Must be a resident of Oklahoma; Applicant must be an OKRID member in good standing for the past 3 years; Applicant must be a member in good standing with RID.

18 2018 Recipients Matthew Catlett Susan Sadler

19 Richard Mullins Award Requirements:
Must a member in good standing with OKRID; Awarded to an individual who has provided exemplary service to OKRID and the field of interpreting within the last year.

20 Richard Mullins Award Hall of Fame
2017- Jake Alexander, Kena Lundy 2004- Jeanette Buttram 2016- Stephanie Nichols 2003- Kathie Jones 2014- Mary Jo Barnes 2002- Ruth Strozdas 2013- Joan Blake 1995- Brenda Carpenter 2012- Charo Guillory, Terri York 1994- Sandie Busby 2011- Jeannette Buttram, LV Berglund 1993- Traci Prince 2010- Adam Marlin 1992- Joni Bice 2009- Sandie Busby 1991- DeAnn Martin 2007- Linda Blue 1990- Jana Byrd 2006- Ruth Strozdas 1989- Sherrie Black, Kathy Niblett, Linda Dyer 2005- Susan Nelson, Lisa Mathes

21 2018 Recipient This person has been instrumental in making huge changes for OKRID. Not only has she done a fantastic job as secretary during her first year, she has also been the driving force to set up a new website for OKRID and is currently working to streamline information to the new website to benefit members and the public. All of this work with the goal of helping to introduce members and the public to what OKRID and the interpreters in the state of Oklahoma are all about. She has also worked to ensure the website will be the main source to house existing and future documents related to OKRID and the interpreting profession. She is able to be actively involved with the organization and board while simultaneously acting as a freelance interpreter, wife, and mother to three young children. She is more than deserving of this award that honors those who contribute to the service of OKRID and the interpreting profession.

22 2018 Richard Mullins Award Recipient
Calista Choate

23 Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame
2017- Judy Ingram Susan Nelson 2010 – Joni Bice Maryanne Huber 2009 – Don Hastings Pat Stowe 2007 – Sharon Limas Betty Powell 2006 – Linda Dyer Rene Ryan 2005 – Jean Scrivner

24 2018 Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Throughout her years as an interpreter, she has exemplified the quality we now refer to as "Deaf Heart." Working in an elementary school for many years, she has sacrificed her time and energy to fostering the next generation of the Deaf community by transporting them to Deaf social events and programs and by being an excellent linguistic and cultural role model. She has mentored many new interpreters while simultaneously learning from them as well. She often engages with her peers in discourse about our field in an open-minded and informed way and is a staple at many of the workshops offered in Oklahoma.

25 2018 Lifetime Achievement Recipient Continued
Outside of interpreting she has also provided a home for multiple Deaf children who have been placed in foster care. During the summer she has allowed Deaf children the opportunity to experience horseback riding at her ranch, often for their very first time. She has taken many elderly Deaf individuals under her wing, keeping them in touch with the Deaf community when they are not capable of getting out alone. She makes sure to check in on them often and is always ready to drop everything to be there for them, if needed.

26 2018 Lifetime Achievement Recipient
Alice Burnett

27 Announcements

28 Workshop Plans Sulpher- Fall *Traci Prince has agreed to help Social *location TBD Tulsa- Spring 2019 OKC- Summer *LV Berglund, Keri Nutt have agreed to help Annual Business Meeting location

29 Conference Chairs Holly Palermo and Josiah Felhauer

30 Conference Committee Jake Alexander Mary Jo Barnes Summer Coleman Nate Daniels Ashley Deimel Simuka Dittmer Josiah Fehlauer Judy Ingram Kevin Jones KT Laughlin Amy Linfoot Holly Palermo Rene Ryan Rhoda Smietanski Jaclyn Terrio

31 Raffle Winner

32 Closure President & Vice President will be available here at TCC at 2-3 PM for you to meet to share your ideas and concerns about OKRID. Reminder: Please leave your colored name badge at registration booth.

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