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George Washington Carver

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1 George Washington Carver
1/15/2019 Title: Biology 8/29/06 Objectives: To continue learning about the scientific method assess learning about living things. Class Topics Hand in W.S. “Are Viruses Alive/The Science of Life” before the bell rings Review Lab Safety and Equipment quiz Chapter 1 Quiz 1 Jello Lab “How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.” George Washington Carver Tuesday, January 15, :19 AM

2 Class Assignments W.S. Are Viruses Alive/The Science of Life 8/29/06
1/15/2019 Class Assignments What By When W.S. Are Viruses Alive/The Science of Life 8/29/06 Chapter 1 Quiz 1 8/29/06 Read /31/06 Deer: Predation or Starvation 8/31/06 2A only – Measurement W.S. 8/31/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 1/15/2019 Grade Sheet

4 Postquiz Activities Hand in quiz
1/15/2019 Postquiz Activities Hand in quiz Place it in the tray Pick up a W.S. “Deer: Predation or Starvation” on the lab stool Work on the worksheet or correct homework

5 W.S. Deer: Predation or Starvation
1/15/2019 W.S. Deer: Predation or Starvation Make the graph on the second page Note that the number of deer are listed on the left vertical axis while the number of wolves are listed on the right vertical axis The third question is on the last page

6 Terminology Variable - the factor that was different between groups
1/15/2019 Terminology Variable - the factor that was different between groups Control group - not exposed to variable Experimental group - exposed to variable repeatable - all experiments have to be able to be repeated Falsifiable – it has to be able to be proven untrue

7 1/15/2019 Scientific Method Hypotheses are not guesses, they are possible explanations to the problem A hypothesis that is not supported by data Usually predicts a different observation Scientists design experiments with a result in mind

8 Conclusion Analyze Data Collect Data Experiment Hypothesis Problem
1/15/2019 Conclusion Analyze Data Collect Data Experiment Hypothesis Problem Research

9 Problem What detergents will digest Jello?
1/15/2019 What detergents will digest Jello? What detergents digest the most Jello? Brainstorm: 3 minutes Why would some detergents digest Jello? Be specific! Problem

10 Research What in Jello is being digested by detergents?
1/15/2019 What in Jello is being digested by detergents? What in detergents is digesting the Jello? Links for research Gelatin What are enzymes? Enzymes and detergents Detergents’ enzymes Research

11 Lab Safety Review Eye safety Do NOT consume any materials Goggles
1/15/2019 Eye safety Goggles Protect your eyes, not your forehead Lab Safety Review Do NOT consume any materials DO NOT eat the Jello or chew on the straw

12 Materials Petri Dish with Jello Drinking Straw Detergents
1/15/2019 Petri Dish with Jello Drinking Straw For making wells Detergents Independent variables Materials Distilled water (use pipette) Control Metric ruler Be precise and be accurate

13 Hypothesis Determine a hypothesis for all of your Jello wells. Tips
1/15/2019 Determine a hypothesis for all of your Jello wells. Tips Remember your independent variable What are you changing? What is your control? Remember your dependent variable What are you measuring? Is it quantitative? How are you measuring it? Hypothesis

14 Experiment Follow the guidelines on the laboratory handout
1/15/2019 Experiment Follow the guidelines on the laboratory handout Working cooperatively Determine your role within the group Determining factor – height

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