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cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North

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1 cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North
Document Collections 2 cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North

2 Visualization Strategies
Cluster Maps Keyword Query Relationships Reduced representation User controlled layout

3 Cluster Maps Kohonen Themescapes

4 Galaxy of News Cluster map with full text Zooming

5 Keyword Query Tilebars

6 VIBE Korfhage,
Documents located between query keywords using spring model


8 Keyword Query Good: Bad: Reduces the browsing space
Map according to user’s interests Bad: What keywords do I use? What about other related documents that don’t use these keywords? No initial overview Mega-hit, zero-hit problem

9 Relationships Show inter-relationships Matrix or Complete Graph Salton
Similarity measure between all pairs of docs Threshold level Salton

10 Variations Docs + Paragraphs Themes

11 Citation Networks Butterfly Browser Mackinlay,… (PARC) Butterfly:
Left = refs Right = citers Yellow = #citers Blue = visited 3d plot: date, Name, # citers


13 Relationships Better for smaller, more detailed map
Scale up: Network visualization Good: Can see more complex relationships between/within documents Can act like hyperlinks! Bad: Finding specific documents Scale up difficult

14 Reduced Representation
Bederson, “Image browsing” Rui, Anusha

15 User controlled layout
Card, “WebBook and Web Forager” Mrinmayee, Ming

16 Next Week Tues: 3-D data Thurs: Workspaces Thanksgiving break
Kniss, “Interactive Volume Rendering with Direct Manip” xueqi, mahesh Thurs: Workspaces Robertson, “Task Gallery” supriya, varun Upson, “AVS” christa, jun Thanksgiving break Tues 27: Debates Kobsa, “Empirical comparison of comm infovis systems” kunal, zhiping

17 Upcoming Sched Tues: 3-D data Thurs: Workspaces Thanksgiving break
Tues 27: Debates, 2D vs 3D Thurs 29: How (not) to lie with visualization Dec: project presentations Dec 7: CHI 2-pagers due, student posters due

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