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Nature vs. Nurture A Psychology WebQuest.

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1 Nature vs. Nurture A Psychology WebQuest

2 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION In the Social Science of Psychology, the question of which factor, nature or nurture, most influences behavior has been debated for decades. This web quest will give you the opportunity to investigate some of the most famous psychologists and their theories on this subject. By the completion of this project you will have developed your own theory. TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION

3 TASK INTRODUCTION You and your partner will select two psychologists and research their philosophies and theories. You will determine which side of the Nature vs. Nurture debate their theories would support. Then you will prepare a power point presentation to share your new knowledge with your classmates. Perhaps you will be able to provide a final answer to the question, “ Does nature or nurture determine why we do the things we do?” TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION

4 PROCESS INTRODUCTION Step 1. You will be assigned a partner with whom to complete this webquest. Step 2: Click on the story button to watch an overview of various psychologists and their theories. Step 3: Click on the web button to link to a diagram and outline to help you decide which psychologists you will select to research. Step 4: Use the resources links to gather information about your chosen psychologists and their theories. Step 5: Prepare a powerpoint presentation of at least 6 minutes to share your new knowledge with your classmates. Step 6: After all of the presentations are finished, join the Forum discussion about the psychologists’ and their theories. Be prepared to give your position on nature vs. nurture and be ready to support your position with facts. TASK Story Web PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION

5 Click on the black box to view a PhotoStory that outlines various psychologists’ theories.
Return to Process

6 Click on this diagram to link to a web and outline which gives an overview of important psychologists and their theories. This will give you an opportunity to consider which psychologist you might want to choose. Used Screenhunter to capture image of Inspiration Web Return to Process

7 Evaluation You will be evaluated based on the rubric displayed in this table.
INTRODUCTION Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Research and Collection of Materials Enough information gathered for a 2-minute presentation Enough information gathered for a 4-minute presentation Enough information gathered for a 6-minute presentation Enough information gathered for an 8-minute presentation Understanding of Theories No sign of studying psychologists’ theories Signs of little study of one psychologist’s theories Signs of study, but does not go beyond basic principles of theory Demonstrates an obvious understanding and study of multiple theories Power Point Presentation Presentation includes very few slides with no visuals Presentation includes 1 fact or 1 visual per slide Presentation includes 1 fact and 1 visual per slide Presentation includes multiple facts and 1 visual per slide Organization Presentation is not clear, concise or easy to follow Presentation is sometimes, concise or easy to follow Presentation is frequently clear, concise or easy to follow Presentation is clear, concise or easy to follow The Forum (After presentations discussion) Does not participate in the Forum discussions Makes 1 comment during Forum Attempts to analyze and makes good observations Excellent analysis and observations TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION

8 CONCLUSION Congratulations!
INTRODUCTION TASK Congratulations! By the time you have completed this webquest, you will have gained new knowledge about psychologists and their theories. You will also have gained a deeper understanding of the debate about nature vs. nurture as it relates to behavior. PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION CREDITS

9 RESOURCES Charles Darwin 1 Charles Darwin 2 Wundt and James
INTRODUCTION Charles Darwin 1 Charles Darwin 2 Wundt and James Wilhelm Wundt William James Sigmund Freud 1 Sigmund Freud 2 Jean Piaget 1 Jean Piaget 2 Carl Rogers 1 Carl Rogers 2 Abraham Maslow 1 Abraham Maslow 2 Martin Seligman 1 Martin Seligman 2 John B. Watson 1 John B. Watson 2 B.F. Skinner 1 B.F. Skinner 2 Ivan Pavlov 1 Ivan Pavlov 2 Nature vs. Nurture 1 Nature vs. Nurture 2 Nature vs. Nurture 3 Nature vs. Nurture 4 TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION

10 CREDITS Elements to compose the evaluation rubric were accessed at Images for the PhotoStory and Inspiration web diagram were retrieved from the following websites on October 23, 2007: Darwin – Freud – Freud’s couch – James – Maslow – Pavlov – Piaget – Rogers – Seligman – Skinner – Watson and Little Albert – Wundt –

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