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Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Business Partner Meet A presentation by HP STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD October 12th, Venue: Shimla
Index HPSEB’s Mission, Existing System, and Growth Projections
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Index HPSEB’s Mission, Existing System, and Growth Projections Hydro Power Potential & Hydro- Policy in Himachal Pradesh Building Partnerships Quick & Efficient billing system
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Our Mission… Uninterrupted, Reliable and Quality Power Supply to all our Consumers Round the clock, 365 days a year. Himachal Pradesh “A Hydro Power State”
Existing Power System of HPSEB
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Existing Power System of HPSEB Installed Capacity MW Villages Electrified Nos. Hamlets Electrified Nos. Consumers Connected lakh Connected Load kW EHV Sub-Stations 37 Nos. HV (33 kV) Sub Stations Nos. Distribution Sub-Stations Nos. EHT Lines ckt Km HT Lines ckt Km LT Lines ckt kM A State Load Dispatch Center (SLDC) with the latest state of art technology has been established to have online control and transaction of Electricity
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Energy Requirement (GWH)
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Projected Growth for HPSEB Power System Year Energy Requirement (GWH) Peak Demand (MW) 7,684 1,306 8,545 1,451 9.504 1,611
& Hydro-Policy in Himachal Pradesh Hydro Power Potential
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Hydro Power Potential & Hydro-Policy in Himachal Pradesh
Hydro potential of H.P. as % of country’s potential (in MW)
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Hydro potential of H.P. as % of country’s potential (in MW) Total Power Potential = 1,40,000 At 60% load factor = ,000 Basin wise potential In H.P. Yamuna basin = Sutlej basin = Beas basin = Ravi basin = Chenab basin = Mini micro = Projects Total = At 60 % Load factor =
Map of H.P. with basin wise hydro potential
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Map of H.P. with basin wise hydro potential 2251 MW Chenab basin MW Ravi basin MW Beas basin MW Sutlej basin MW Yamuna basin
Hydro Power Potential in H.P.- breakup
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Hydro Power Potential in H.P.- breakup Total identified potential Harnessed so far Under execution Under Allotment Abandoned Self identified in Private Sector ______ Total (460 MW abandoned) (in MW)
Hydro potential of H.P. – Harness plan (in MW)
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Hydro potential of H.P. – Harness plan (in MW) In State Sector/ HPPCL Central/ Joint Sector Private Sector More than 5 MW Less than 5 MW ______ Total
Potential harnessed so far by different agencies in H.P. (in MW)
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Potential harnessed so far by different agencies in H.P (in MW) HPSEB Central/ Joint Sector Private Sector More than 5 MW Less than 5 MW _____ Total
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: HPPCL HPSEB Central/ Joint Sector Private Sector __________ Total (in MW)
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: Project Basin Installed Capacity (MW) Executing Agency STATE SECTOR: Bhaba Aug. PH Satluj 4.50 HPSEB Kashang-I 130.00 HPPCL Kashang-II 65.00 Kashang-III 48.00 Ganvi-II 10.00 Shongtong Karcham 402.00
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: Project Basin Installed Capacity (MW) Executing Agency STATE SECTOR: Uhl-III Beas 100.00 HPSEB Sainj HPPCL Khauli-II 6.60 Sawra Kuddu Yamuna 111.00 Chirgaon Majhgaon 46.00 Dhamwari Sunda 70.00 Renuka 40.00
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: Project Basin Installed Capacity (MW) Executing Agency CENTRAL/JOINT SECTOR: Chamera-III Ravi 231.00 NHPC Kol-Dam Satluj 800.00 NTPC Rampur 412.00 NJPC Parbati-II Beas Parbati-III 520.00
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: Project Basin Installed Capacity (MW) Executing Agency PRIVATE SECTOR: Allian Duhangan Beas 192.00 AD Hydro Power Ltd., Manali Malana-II 100.00 Everest Power Pvt. Ltd., Shimla Neogal 15.00 Om Power Corp. Ltd. New Delhi Lambadug 25.00 Himachal Consort. Power Project Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore Baragaon 11.00 Kanchanjunga Power Corp. Ltd. Fozal 9.00 M/s. Cosmos Consulting Ltd., New Delhi Baner-II 6.00 Tidong-I Satluj M/s. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd., Secunderabad
Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Capacity under execution by different Agencies in HP: Project Basin Installed Capacity (MW) Executing Agency PRIVATE SECTOR: Sorang Satluj 100.00 KarchamWangtoo M/s. Jaypee Karcham Hydro Corp. Ltd. Raura 8.00 PauditalLassa Yamuna 24.00 TangnuRomai 50.00 M/s. PCP International Ltd. Chandigarh Sai Kothi Ravi 17.00 M/s. Venture Energy Technologies, New Delhi Harsar 60.00 M/s. Sofimat SA, France Bharmour 45.00 Budhil 70.00 M/s. Lanco Green Power Ltd., New Delhi
Salient features of Hydro Policy in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Salient features of Hydro Policy in HP: Projects upto 2MW capacity have been earmarked for the investors of HP & for Projects between 2 & 5 MW first preference shall be given to Himachalis. Projects above 5MW & upto 100MW shall be allotted to IPPs through MOU route and above 100 MW through ICB . To ensure employment to the people of HP, the IPP shall ensure that 70% of the total employees are bonafide Himachalis. The activities of Local Area Development Committee (LADC) during execution shall be financed by the project itself.
Salient features of Hydro Policy in HP:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Salient features of Hydro Policy in HP: Royalty on water usage in the shape of free power to the state from the Project shall be 12% for the first 12 18% from 13th to 30th year for the balance period beyond 30 years. The developer will be permitted to Establish, Own, Operate and Maintain the Project for a period of forty years. The developers will be free to dispose the power from the projects, after allowing for royalty in the shape of free power to the state. The Govt. of HP shall absorb the generated power from the Hydro electric projects locally to maximum possible extent .
Development of Transmission System:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Development of Transmission System: GoHP has prepared a draft Transmission Master Plan for the State in co-ordination with State Transmission Utility (STU), Central Transmission Utility (CTU) and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for each river basin to ensure evacuation of power through Interstate & Intrastate transmission system. A power transmission master plan has also been formulated for evacuation of power from smal hydro projects (SHPs).
Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 11th Plan
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 11th Plan Already under operation: MW B. To be completed by the 11th Plan State Sector (i/c HPPCL) MW Central/Joint Sector MW Private Sector MW Total (B) MW Total (A+B) MW
Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 12th /13th Plan
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 12th /13th Plan A . Potential harnessed upto 11th Plan MW B. To be Executed by end of 12th /13th Plan: Under State Sector MW Under Central/Joint Sector MW Under Private Sector MW Total (B) MW
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Status of harnessed identified Hydro Schemes by various stake-holders at the end of 12th/13th Plan Under State Sector(32 Nos.) MW Under Central/Joint Sector (18 Nos.) MW Under Private Sector (60 Nos.) MW Through HIMURJA/self-identified MW Abandoned MW Total: MW
Scheduled Commissioning Date
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh On going projects at present with HPSEB planned for commissioning during 11th plan period S. No. Project Capacity (MW) Basin Implementing Agency Scheduled Commissioning Date 1 Ganvi Stage-II 10 Sutlej HPSEB During 2 Bhaba Augmentation 4.50 3 Uhl Stage-III 100 Beas March 2010 4 Khauli-II 6.6 5 Total 121.1
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Building Partnerships
Power Scenario in HP is characterized by:
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Power Scenario in HP is characterized by: Predominantly Hydro Based Generating Stations Perennial Winter Shortages Demand expected to go up to 2500 MW in from about 1000 MW at present HP expected to be short by about 1000 MW in 2014 on round the clock basis during winter months
HP Power Supply Status Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Power in Himachal Pradesh is predominantly Hydro with the availability comprising of: Own Generation ( 100 % Hydro) – 467 MW Central Sector/bilateral shares (10 to 15% thermal) – total approx. 900 MW Our power requirements are more in winters rather than summers This results in: Surplus of power during the Summer months Extreme Deficits in Winter months since Our own generation reduces almost to % due to lean water discharge Similar reduction happens with our Central Sector Shares from hydros in the region. There is an increase in demand due to the cold weather
Typical Annual Availability and Demand pattern for HP
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Typical Annual Availability and Demand pattern for HP Monthly Availability (MU) Monthly Demand (MU)
Proposed Business Model for joint venture between HPSEB & NTPC
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Proposed Business Model for joint venture between HPSEB & NTPC Capacity of proposed plants Hydro plant : MW Thermal Plant: MW Debt : Equity Ratio For the Project: 70:30 All expenditure on account of investment & administrative charges to be born in the ratio: : 50
Energy Management for Proposed Projects
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Energy Management for Proposed Projects Summer Months: (April to September) The entire power to be jointly used by HPSEB and NTPC, for meeting their requirements, selling to other states or for trading on the Power Exchanges. Availability of Hydro generation of the order of MW shall facilitate NTPC to put their thermal plants under maintenance in summer months, which are invariably allowed during winter months (i.e. Nov to Feb).
Energy Management for the Proposed Projects
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh Energy Management for the Proposed Projects Winter Months: (October to March) - The entire Hydropower available from the project would be at HPSEB’s disposal along with 500 MW from Thermal Project for meeting the Winter Shortages in the state.
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Integrated Billing NTPC is raising Energy Bills to HPSEB every month for its Shares in Central Sector Projects. HPSEB is receiving plethora of Bills which are highly cumbersome and tedious for scrutiny at our end. It is therefore proposed that…
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
Integrated Billing For Faster processing of Billing & Settlement with NTPC, requisite Software Application Interface be provided to HPSEB. This shall result in faster scrutiny of Bills and Speedy Reconciliation and Settlement of Accounts with NTPC.
Power Sector Development in Himachal Pradesh
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