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East Asia.

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1 East Asia

2 Sui Dynasty – C.E. Grand Canal- linked the Yangzi and Yellow rivers

3 Tang Dynasty – 618-907 C.E. Continued policies of the Sui
Rise of Buddhism Expanded trade and the empire’s borders Block printing compass Rulers had some Turkish ethnicity and cultural practices Tribute empire Looked down on merchants (continuity in Chinese history)





8 Vietnam, Korea, and Japan
Each greatly influenced by China Vietnam and Korea were temporarily ruled by China, Japan was not Confucianism was a major export Also written language (Japan and Korea) Buddhism Technology Art

9 China Large population increase in southern China as people move into Yangtze river valley C.E. Internal trade still important; external trade improved due to new sailing technology such as the Junk


11 Song Dynasty 960-1279 Economic revival
Tea, silk, and porcelain continue to be important Paper money (copper main currency) Credit Sailing technology Footbinding


13 Emperor – head of the Shinto religion- emperor descends from a continuous lineage (Yamato Clan)
Eventually becomes a figurehead Fujiwara family Kamakura Shogunate 1185 – 1338 -Japan becomes a decentralized feudal state -Resistance of Mongols helps unify Japan, and strengthens the power of the Samurai Japan

14 Japanese Feudal System
Emperor Artisans Peasants Merchants Shogun (real power) Daimyo Samurai

15 Samurai: warriors who served a lord
Followed code of values called bushido Bushido emphasized honor, bravery, and loyalty to one’s lord A disgraced samurai committed seppuku (ritual suicide)

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