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A- or an- not; without.

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Presentation on theme: "A- or an- not; without."— Presentation transcript:

1 a- or an- not; without

2 Atypical MEANING: Not typical

3 Asexual Not sexual

4 auto- self

5 Autograph self written

6 Autotroph can feed itself

7 bi- or di- two

8 Bicycle 2 wheels

9 Binary fission one organism divides into two organisms

10 bio- life

11 Biography a story of a person’s life

12 Biology the study of life

13 cardio- heart

14 Cardiogram written printout of the heart

15 Cardiac Arrest heart stops beating

16 Cardiovascular Exercise activity that raises the heart rate


18 chloro- green (color)

19 Chlorine a greenish yellowish poisonous gas

20 Chlorophyll pigment which gives most plants a green color

21 con- together

22 Connect to join together

23 Conjoined twins Twins that are joined together

24 cyto- cell

25 Cytology the study of cells

26 Cytoplasm most of the protoplasm of a cell

27 ecto- or exo- outside

28 exotic outside of this part of the world

29 Exoskeleton skeleton on the outside

30 Ectotherm gets its heat from outside

31 endo- inside

32 endorphins chemicals produced inside the body

33 Endoplasmic reticulum a tiny organ inside the cytoplasm

34 hetero- other or different

35 Heterosexual Attracted to the opposite/different sex

36 Heterozygous having two different genes

37 homo- or homeo- same or similar

38 Homogenized milk milk that is all the same (with no layers)

39 Homeostasis keeping your internal systems the same

40 hypo- under or below

41 Hypodermic needle injects below the skin

42 Hypothermia body temperature below normal

43 hyper- over or above

44 Hyperactive more active than usual

45 Hyperthermia body temperature is above normal

46 inter- or intra- within or between

47 Interstate highway highway that goes between states

48 interbreed to breed within your species

49 macro- large

50 macrocosm large whole universe

51 macrophage large white blood cell

52 micro- small

53 microchip small computer chip

54 microscope a tool used to see very small organisms

55 mono- or uni- one

56 Unicorn animal with one horn

57 UNICELLULAR: organism made of only one cell

58 Monogamy having one mate for life

59 multi- many

60 MULTICOLORED: having many colors

61 MULTICELLULAR: made of many cells

62 photo- light

63 PHOTOGRAPH: picture taken using light

64 PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Making food from light

65 pro- before or first

66 Prologue before the book begins

67 Prokaryote before having a nucleus

68 sub- below

69 Submarine ship that travels underwater

70 Subatomic the level below the whole atom

71 hydro- water

72 Hydroponics growing plants in water rather than soil

73 Hydrophobic having a fear/aversion to water

74 thermo- heat

75 Thermometer instrument that measures heat

76 Thermodynamics the relationship between heat and mechanical work

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