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Bcl-2: A Matter of Life-or-Death

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1 Bcl-2: A Matter of Life-or-Death
Sarah Greenblatt Biology 169

2 Overview: Importance of Apoptosis Apoptosis pathway: C. elegans
What is the normal biological role of Bcl-2? How does Bcl-2 contribute to cancer?

3 Importance of Apoptosis
Embryonic and fetal development Tissue homeostasis Immune response Alberts el al. Fig

4 What triggers apoptosis?
DNA damage Detachment from cells/tissues Growth factor deprivation Radiation Alberts Fig

5 Model for apoptosis: C. elegans
Lineage of all somatic cells known 131 cells undergo programmed cell death CED-1 mutants Ellis and Horvitz. 1986, Cell 91:818

6 Three major genes involved in apoptosis in C. elegans:
ced-3 – required for apoptosis ced-4 –required for apoptosis ced-9 -inhibits apoptosis

7 B-cell Lymphoma t(14;18) places the Bcl-2 gene close to the enhancer for the antibody heavy chain

8 Translocation causes overexpression of Bcl-2
B cell function: synthesize large amounts of antibody Enhancer is very active! Result: Over expression of bcl-2 protein Alberts 24-32

9 Bcl-2 is mammalian homologue of CED-9
D.L Vaux and S.J Korsemeyer, 1999, cell 96:245

10 What does it encode? Integral membrane protein, localized to: E.R
nuclear envelope mitochondrial membrane

11 Bcl-2 Family Gross et al. Bcl-2 family members and the mitochondria in apoptosis. Genes Dev.(1999)

12 How does Bcl-2 repress apoptosis?

13 Intrinsic pathway (damage):
Mitochondria Cytochrome c release BCL-2 BCL-XL BCL-W Pro-caspase 9 cleavage Apaf1 Pro-execution caspase (3) cleavage Caspase (3) cleavage of cellular proteins, Nuclease activation, Etc. Death

14 What is the role of the bcl-2 family in normal cells?
(Bax, Bak) (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL)

15 Bcl-2 knockout mice Growth retardation Kidney disease
Massive apoptosis in thymus and spleen Premature grey hair 5 Weeks 10 Weeks Veis, D.J et al. Cell 75, (1993)

16 How does repression of apoptosis contribute to cancer?

17 Cellular advantage: resistance to apoptosis:
Cells survive in harsh conditions Continue to proliferate when DNA damaged Metastasis Increased resistance to chemotherapy and radiation

18 Summary: Bcl-2 is an oncogene Over-expressed in a
wide variety of tumors Bcl-2 protein represses apoptosis Evasion of apoptosis is a critical step in carcinogenesis!

19 References: Adams, J. M and Cory, S. The Bcl-2 protein family: arbitrators of cell survival. Science 281, (1998) Cory, S., Adams, J.M. The Bcl2 family: regulators of the life or death switch. Nature Reviews 2, (2002) Gross, A. McDonnell, J.M. and Korsmeyer, S.J. Bcl-2 family members and the mitochondria in apoptosis. Genes Dev. 13, (1999) D. Heiser et al. The Bcl-2 family and its role in the development of neoplastic disease. Experimental Gerontology 39(2004) Veis, D.J et al. Bcl-2-deficient mice demonstrate fulminant lymphoid apoptosis, polycystic and hypopigmented hair. Cell 75, (1993)

20 http://mcb. berkeley. edu/courses/mcb230/jk_pdfs/16_hengartner_nat00

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