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Speciation -The definition of a new species is when it can NO LONGER REPRODUCE with the original population.

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Presentation on theme: "Speciation -The definition of a new species is when it can NO LONGER REPRODUCE with the original population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speciation -The definition of a new species is when it can NO LONGER REPRODUCE with the original population.

2 When organisms change in small ways over time (their traits change)
MICROEVOLUTION When organisms change in small ways over time (their traits change) Does not create a NEW species Ex: pesticide-resistant mosquitoes Much bigger evolutionary changes that result in new species Ex: Darwin’s finches separated for so long, they evolved into separate species MACROEVOLUTION

3 Natural Selection revisited
New changes in the DNA sequence are constantly being generated in a population's gene pool some of these changes will be beneficial and result in traits that allow adaptation and survival Some will be unfavorable traits and become less common

4 Speciation Geographic Isolation Behavioral Isolation Reproductive

5 Geographic Isolation When geographic isolation results in a new species it is called allopatric speciation. A population has been separate for long enough and develop so many different traits that they can no longer reproduce! Geographic Separation: A mountain range. A canyon. Rivers, streams, or an ocean. A desert.

6 Allopatric Speciation Examples

7 Behavioral Isolation When behavioral isolation results in a new species (NO geographic separation) it is called sympatric speciation. Behavioral differences: Mating season Food to eat Habitat (Type of tree to live in) Communication (different noises, songs, interactions)

8 Sympatric Speciation Examples

9 Rates of evolution

10 A species can be created artificially too!

11 Which ones goes faster? Which tomato would you rather cook with?
Which one would you rather have?

12 Artificial selection:
Genetic variation: Variation in traits of individuals from a population In other words, all organisms in the population look a little different Artificial selection:  Intentional breeding for certain traits In other words, humans decide which traits are the best and reproduce organisms with those traits (and can even create a new species)

13 ARTIFICIAL SELECTION You chose the rose, a dog-breeder chose the dog, and a farmer chose which tomato he wanted to grow Humans decide which traits will be passed on NATURAL SELECTION Nature chooses which organisms will survive and reproduce! Nature chooses which traits will be passed on

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