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Everything you need to know to be successful

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1 Everything you need to know to be successful
Psychology Everything you need to know to be successful

2 Label each divider based on the sections in your book.
What will you need? 3 inch binder Section divider s with tabs. 3 hole punch Label each divider based on the sections in your book. For example: History of Psychology Biology and Behavior Human Development Sensation and Perception States of Consciousness Learning Memory Thinking, Language and Intelligence Motivation Emotions, Stress and Health Personality Psychological Disorders Therapy Social Psychology

3 Where will you sit? Where you are sitting, is where you will sit from now on. The assigned seating is subject to change at any time, by teacher discretion.

4 Classroom rules Respect Yourself
What are some ways that you show respect to yourself in the class and at school? Respect Others What are some ways that you show respect to others in the class and at school? Respect Property What are some ways that you show respect to property in the class and at school?

5 Rewards Free time in class. Drop some homework assignments.
Drop assignment with the lowest grade. Other prizes.

6 Consequences Extra homework Visit to another classroom
Visit to front office Notification to your coach and or parents.

7 What will i do this year? At the start of each day, you will walk in, and sit in your assigned seat, and look at the white board. In the upper left hand corner, there will be a writing prompt. You will have 3-5 minutes to complete your writing prompt. After the writing prompt, we will begin the lecture or activity for the day. This will take up to 5 minutes before the end of class. 5 minutes before the end of class, you will put your homework and writing prompts in the homework box. If there is anything that you are unsure about, or want additional clarification on, you can write it on a piece of paper and put it in the “wait…what?” box.

8 How to label assignments
List the following information on ALL assignments that you turn in: Name: Period: Assignment Title:

9 Assignments There will be a test at the end of each section. These tests will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, short essay and will cover the concepts in the section, including, but not limited to vocabulary words. For this reason, it is wise to define the vocabulary words at the start of each section. There will be a midterm and a final. There will be in-class and homework assignments throughout the semester as well.

10 How will I be graded Section Tests: 15% Writing Prompts: 10%
In Class Activities: 20% Homework: 15% Mid Term: 20% Final: 20%

11 About your teacher My name is Danielle Moore
I have been teaching for 10 years.

12 My Education I was home schooled from grades K-12 and concurrently attended Victor Valley College where I obtained my AA Degree. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher so I went on to Chapman University for my Bachelors Degree and Teaching Credential.

13 Education cont… I have a Masters Degree in Education.
I have a Masters Degree in Psychology.

14 Family life I have been married for 10 years and have two kids.

15 Family Life cont... I also have three dogs.

16 What I like to do for fun:

17 Who are you? Take a minute to write down some interesting facts about you. Use complete sentences: What do you want to do when you are done with high school? What college, trade school or profession do you wish to go into? What is your family life like? How many siblings do you have? How long have you lived in the High Desert? Do you have any pets? What do you like to do for fun? Example: When I am done with school I would like to go to college to study psychology. As opposed to: Go to college

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